Thursday, December 31, 2009

hi twenty-ten :)

okay in a few hours it will be twenty-ten. 2009 is the most 'everything' year for me. ive been through a lot. yeah. and as much as it so meaningful to me but i honestly want it to end faster. because i just cant wait to open a new chapter in my life. well yeah most of the time in year of 2009 was a boring but it gives me a lot. i learned a lot about myself, i learned a lot about others, i learned about life too.

and i started the year with quite emotional time for me and my family cause the death of my first brother. i saw it goes infront of my eyes. my family devastated, my mom crying, my friends pay their condolences. yeah. in that moment i know how important family and friends is in my life. then its all about new things. new school, new environment, new bed(haha), new friends, new perspective in life. im growing a gazillion time yknow. haha.

well, i have a lot of fun too. this year i learned who are my real friends. and i wish i can have a lot more than i already got this year, its just not enough. no.

okay im going to stop talking about past. so now, here i am sitting infront of computer and having big apple's doughnut in my hand, welcoming 2010 with open arm and open heart with open eyes. yeah, 2010, show me what u got to give me, i am all ready. :D

Leia Mais

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new year

byebye 2009:) i wish time wont moving that fast!

How old did you become this year?

Did you host any parties this year?
ha no?

Which was your favorite month?

Which was your worst month?

Have you made a new best friend?
oh yess:)

Have you fallen in love?
idk about that feeling

Have you done something you regret?
of cause. i wish i was more focus in add math class:)

Did you not do something you wished you did?
yeah. a lot of things didnt happen the way i want it.

Did you wish for something that came true?

Did a best friend help you out?

Did you get in a lot of trouble?
not that a lot. just lil fun and lil trouble:)

Did a friend hurt you?
haha yes.

Were you in a car accident?

Did a close relative die?
yes. my brother.

Did you change schools?
hell yes. sains seremban

Did you sleep in the same bed as the opposite sex?
idk not sure..haha

Did you get so drunk that you passed out?

Did you wanna say something to someone, but did not because you were too scared?
not scared but just dont wanna make it such a huge deal

Did you cry for no reason?
we cry for reason?

Did you dye your hair?

Did you break any rules?

If you could replay last year again, would you?
ha no.

Overall was last year a good year or a bad year?
(this year) change me a lot. im much growing up.

Is the New Year...

Going to be better than last year?
not sure. SPM!

How old are you going to be when its your birthday?
17 baby:)

Are you going to change schools?

Are you going to be looking for a new relationship?
ha that i cant tell

Do you wanna do something different?

You are gonna become a year older, looking forward to it?
not really..i dont want to be old! haha

Where are you going to go on Spring Break?

Leia Mais

Monday, December 28, 2009

6 days to go

within a week, school starts. i will have to do everything as usual all over again. yeah its sucks. but holiday is pretty much boring to me, so its better to sit at school and study stuff. god it will be my senior year, final year of wearing uniform to school. haha. and i will have juniors come in. new ppl. yeah i hate meeting new ppl.

gosh what is the great things to do when u only have a week before going back to prison?anyone?

Leia Mais

Friday, December 25, 2009

I offer you my hand. my heart.

im currently readint this classing novel, Jane Eyre. I bought it 3 years ago and i dont certainly know why now is the time im very in to the novel. Even though ive already bought a new sookie stackhouse's novel, i just have this eagerness to finished Jane Eyre first. yes reader, i happen to read romantic novel. but who's cares? i know what i like. I read the original classic version. with heavy words, heavy description on smthing. yeah, but i kinda love the way Charlotte wrote it and describes the things on the novel. Im on chapter 26, the morning of Jane's and Mr Rochester wedding.

'I ask you to pass through life at my side- to be my second self, and earthy companion.'
- Edward Rochester.

I just search in youtube if they happen to have Jane Eyre video and i came out with this proposal scene. Its a drama tv i guess.

Leia Mais

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

movie junkie

so as u know im schooling at boarding school. so definitely theres no tv or movie for me. im a movie junkie so i planned out to watch all this movie im dying to watch this holiday- by downloading them of cause. so heres some movie that i watched this whole holiday.

  1. Jennifer's body
  2. Saw V
  3. Trick r Treat
  4. New Moon- of cause at theater.
  5. Zombieland
  6. The Time Traveler's Wife
  7. Dance Flick
  8. The Hangover
  9. Night at the Museum 2
  10. The Orphan
  11. Beverly Hill's Chihuahua
  12. The Blind Side
  13. Julie and Julia
  14. 500 days of summer
  15. Inglorious Bastards
i also watch whole season 2 of True Blood. yes.

and theres more movies i want to watch. really. in two weeks before the holidays end. movies like Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, Brothers and many more.

Leia Mais

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


im asking my friend if he already done his homework. well he said only for english and bm. shit. im just done my sej, bio, and english. which is sucks. hell. i really need to start now. cause school will starts soon.

Leia Mais

4 in the morning

i cant sleep last night. i was lying in my bed in the dark, its 4.30 am. i just stared at the dark ceiling and my mind just flown away by millions of thought. i was thinking about the future, about what is it for me to do next. how many responsibility i have to carry. and i thinking about past too. and i kept thinking about the funny parts of my life at school. i always share my story about my school life with my sister and we laugh. i remember i told her about my silliest embarrassment of all when i do announcement where the whole school hear it and i laugh in the middle of the announcement and get scolded by warden? haha. i laugh alone in the dark last night when i was thinking about that event.

srsly, i dont know what im trying to tell u reader, but it was in my thoughts:)

Leia Mais

Monday, December 21, 2009

i <3 monday

okay here's the thing. i vowed myself lastnight that i want to start freash today. like wake up early in the morning, do my bed, clean up my ancient room. but no. instead of wake up early like im fucking planned, i woke up at 2 .30 pm. fuck. its just because of the most silliest mistake in the whole wide world. i set the alarm on 10.00 pm. PM! lol i thought i set it on A.M. so its pretty sucks for me to get up and jump out my bed and go straight to get a fucking evening shower. its not a great day to start fresh. hah. went i have lunch, i eat this meat soup(?)(malay-style soup) and yeah eventually and amazingly i get my ass to clean up my room. okay lets skip the other thing.

that night i eat thing soup again. my mom rarely cut the meat into this tiny and thin pieces (usually she chop it in big and f*****g thick pieces until u have to bite it with ur teeth to eat in small pieces- idk if u understand,,) and i sat and eat those thing in front of tv (our family dont have this stricted law where we can eat our meal, its late for dinner anyway) with rice, and i asked my mom did she cooked this or buy. she said of cause she cooked it. yet again its different. then i realized how my family sometimes cook the other part of idk cow? then i said " this is not meat isnt it? its the other part that i usually hate to eat?" my mom dgn slamber nye said "yes, haha thank god no body tell you what is it because u wont eat it if u know what that was" gosh in my head i thought of what the hell it might be, cow's lungs? intestine? tongue? hell. my mom just said " u better finished it. anugerah tuhan"

yes, my family do cook and eat the weird food. traditional food. and i know many people dont eat what they cook. but its my family. and that what they is.

Leia Mais

Friday, December 18, 2009

running through my head

i really dont know why im using internet for hours and hours. yes im using myspace but its kinda boring for me nowdays. i dont know why im posting bogs- which no one ever care to read. i guess i need to find something else to do. new thing. but the thing is i dont have enough guts to do it. what i post in my blog is not totally sincere from my heart. no. i just cant let myself write and post things that matter to me for ppl to read. i try to write diary or write everything on my head and heart on a book but it didnt work. i still wrote things that i dont really want to write about. i guess im scared to write it and to read it again. well actually no one knows what actually running through my head. no one. not even my best friends. i just simply cant tell them everything i felt. i keep everything inside me. and its hurt. gah wth im writing? readers, sometimes i do get emotional. this is another side of me.

Leia Mais

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lady Gaga on elle mags

i love it. haha. walkwalk fashion crazy.

Leia Mais

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


i love her new album. speechless is one of my fav.

I can’t believe what you said to me
Last night when we were alone
You threw your hands up
Baby you gave up, you gave up

I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your James Dean glossy eyes
In your tight jeans with your long hair
And your cigarette stained lies

Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

And I'll never love again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless.

I can’t believe how you slurred at me
With your half wired broken jaw
You popped my heart seams
On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams

I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your Johnnie Walker eyes
He’s gonna get you and after he’s through
There’s gonna be no love left to rye

And I know that it’s complicated
But I’m a loser in love, so baby
Raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts
Of all my wrecked up friends

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless so speechless

I’ll never love again,
Oh friend you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless



And after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to
Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?

And after all the boys and the girls that we’ve been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?
If I promised, boy, to you

That I’ll never talk again
And I’ll never love again

I’ll never write a song
Won’t even sing along
I’ll never love again

So speechless, hey hey.
You left me speechless, so speechless aye aye
You ever talk again, oh boy why you so speechless?
You left me speechless, so speechless

Some men may follow me
But you choose “death and company”
Why you so speechless? Oh, oh

Leia Mais

Saturday, December 5, 2009

lagy gaga, paramore and katy perry is my priority now. haha

Leia Mais

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"marry me, bella"

so of cause, i went to movie to watch new moon. and there's no word for me to discribe the movie. i love to wolf scenes i love the sound when thier fighting on each other and with vamps. and i just cant accept the ending when edward asking bella to marry him. i just wondering if that part was in the book or not. i dont think so. i think they just got engaged on eclipse. idk maybe edward just pop the question and bella reject it. maybe.


Leia Mais

100th post

yeay! i just dont know what im yeay-ing about, but its my 100th post. yeah. some of my friends (who have blogspot) may already has been post their 100th post hundreds years ago, but hey, who's care? i just thought about creating this '100th post' thingy is when i thought about ellen degeneres show, where they counting down their shows when its come to a certain number. well, lets forget about it. i just want to wish myself 'happy 100th show'

haha i just hope it will be 200th show and keeping people bored. yeah. thats my goal.

Leia Mais

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Act II, Scene VI

okay new moon coming veryvery soon and im anxious to get ticket to watch the damn movie. i'll try to watch it on the premier date and try to get a great sits in the theater. but carik2 dkt internet jmpe lak video yg leaked pye. i cant helped myself to watch it. but i watch the very beginning of the movie, and it starts with the romeo and juliet idk script i guess?

These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which, as their kiss, consume.

Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI

im sorry to blow these out. haha. im sorry twilight fans. i cant control myself. Kristen sways these quotes just the same way i imagine Bella saying it. haha.

Leia Mais

Sunday, November 22, 2009

sushi sushi.

what happened today?

today was the first day of my class with madam jennyta. physics babeh.

and other thing is we made a home-made sushi.. and we eat it until we feel like wanna puke. seriously, i dont think i want to eat any sushi anymore.

Leia Mais

Saturday, November 21, 2009


nothing is more perfect than sitting around my family- my parents, my brother and sister, my sister's husband, my late brother's wife, their kid and my friend. yeah. we laugh, we tell story, we watch tv, and we do whatever real family do. i dont get through this everyday cause im boarding schooling. and ill try to spend my holiday as much as i can with family and friends cause im tired of being somebody else in my school. its not like im completely change, im still using my old shafiq attitude. just different from what ive become with my real family and friends. yeah.

and i never let myself feel regret just bcause im living away from my family. bcause in SASER, ive learn a lot. and i dont think im gonna get it anywhere than there. ive learned how ppl not always except the way you are, learned how to talorate with ppl, learned how to live with ppl that are completely stranger. thats what makes me thankful so much to god to giving me this opportunity.

Leia Mais

last post: 25/10/09

hahah its been a month babe since i last posted. yeah im pretty buzy with exam and everything and now, since its the end of year holiday, maybe im lil free to do things i love to do- internet. or maybe not. i have classes this holiday. i want to shape up my add math skills. aku failed add math for final exam. haha. best gle. yup. the whole test for form four test/ exam i failed my add math. salah sape? ntah lah sme slah. haha. then i'll have to attend 3/4 weeks classes. but never mind i want to catch up on everything so it wont burden me next year. spm la ngok next year. wake up.

and my final year ranking is 193 over 268 kot. but it just bother me at all. its just a figure. and and i have a looooot of plan for this holiday. other than going to classes, i want to watch new moon, hang out with friends, try to ride motocycle ( im not sure if i remember how to ride it), learn to drive a car, went to swimming pool.. and lot more.

Leia Mais

Sunday, October 25, 2009


weyhhh esk da blik asrama blik. benci benci benci. cuak nak dpat results exam arituh. benci. mlas nak blaja chapter form 5. benci. mlas nak bgn awl lgi. benci. mlas nak pegi prep. benci. mlas nak bsuh baju. benci. ranking aq jgn ckp lah..sure jtuh gle babi nye. benciiiiiii. aq nak tdo sepanjang hri. tpi x bleh. lonjakan saujana pe ntah. hhaarrrggghhh! well i dont care anymore. lpas ni ttp telinge dgr cikgu beletiangk psal markah exam.haha.
im going insane. damn it.

Leia Mais


theres nothing more delicious than sitting alone on the balcony, evening air, and eating kit-kat. haha. i wish i can do it at my school. i sat there alone watching cars and motorcycles passing by. and watching kids playing and laughing and acting silly. i wish i was one of them. dont care about anything but having fun. everyday the things that running through their heads is whats the new fun and exciting things to play.

i remember i childhood moment where i got my friends and we went cycling to this big giant tree. we climb the tree and make our own swing on it. i wish the tree is still standing. i want to go there. again.

Leia Mais

Saturday, October 24, 2009

what i want

sometimes ppl ask me about my dream car. i always said my dream car is like this tiny old classic car. i dont want this sporty new car but i want old one. and when i think back on the future, me sitting in my car. i always picturing myself having the most moderate life. yes, i dont need money to be happy. i just have to do what i love most in life to be happy. i want to open a candy shop and sells chocolates and candies and pies. i want to have a small comfort house with a small kitchen. hah what a life.

Leia Mais

Friday, October 23, 2009


its been like what? a month since i last posted on my blog? haha da berabuk da blog nih. well in a month, theres a whole lot things going on with my life. hey im officially 16 now (clapping hands) haha. but im still just the same person 3 years back. so 16 doesnt mean anything to me. and my birthday, 6 Oct. 2009 probably the worst birthday on the history of my life. im pretty moody that day, my body feels uneasy, i was tired, and nobody knows its my birthday, and the most worst part is, i was away from my family and friends. gah. and my only present i got is from my dormmate, Ramadhan, he gave me this little black note book. thanks to him. but still i dont want any present for my bday i just want my family to be around. hah.. hepy freaking 16 shafiq. no cake for u this year. haha. saba je lah.

Leia Mais

Monday, September 28, 2009

old times:)

okay exam just 2 weeks to go and if u check my brain, ive got nothing on it. completely zero. now i realize how much time i wasted. but its seem dont matter to me. hell exam hows cares? and this is the last holiday we got until the end of year's holiday. and i'll be back tomorrow. god i dont want to face examination. please. i cannot face the facts that my ranking maybe turned out to be sucks.

but just forget about it for a moment. my friends and i went to my teacher's house today. my sc teacher. she teach us for 3 years back in my old school. and yeah it was great to see her. we talk about whats going on with our life now, future and past. i love went we went back to our memories and laugh about how silly we are. i miss the moment with my ex-classmates. just catching up the old times. i wish i could turn back the time so i can cherish it more than anything. and we plan to go to our old school tomorrow as tomorrow actually a school day. i want to meet my teachers and peeps there.

Leia Mais

Saturday, September 26, 2009


its great to sit infront of computer and eat slices bread with cheese on it at 2 am:)

yeah i love cheese and even i eat it until want to throw out, im still skinny. yeah life!

Leia Mais

Thursday, September 24, 2009

crap im exhausted

so i went out today with friends. i missed them like hell. we went to kareoke and its 16 of us and im pretty sure all the songs we sang together sounds like shit cause everyone singing on their own tone and stuff and we ruin the songs so bad. and i got home at 10. my parents not saying anything nowdays about im got home at night. probably because im boarding schooling and not around the house so much and rarely get out and have a chance to meet my friends.

and i got 2 invites for open house tomorrow. and i will see my friends again and its great cause idk if i have another holiday after this.i will be at school until the end of the semester. its sucks.

im tired and i dont know what im typing now. but im sure its unimportant details. yeah.

Leia Mais

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


i just sign in my twitter because its been weeks since the last time i sign in. i started to search ellen degeneres twitter and i started to follow all these celebrity like britney, katy perry, russel brand, demi moore, taylor swift and i found hayley william's.haha yeah. and when i think about it i just said to my myself 'why i follow them anyway?'

anyway,, got twitter?
follow me at

Leia Mais

Sunday, September 20, 2009

raye la weyh:)

its the first day of raye while everyone busy raya-ing with family and friends. getting hell lot of money from relatives but here i am, online and blogging. yeah, im home on the first day of raye. its kind of my family-new-tradition. sort of i guess. and all my siblings are nieces.ha they just the cutest things in the world with their tiny little baju kurung.

i have this weird dreams last few weeks. i dream about hari raye. i remember i cried on my mom's arms and ask her forgiveness and everything. and usually that not happen on our family when we salam and giving duit raye on raye day. no. we laugh. we just said 'slamat hari raye, maaf zahir batin, halal makn minum' and thats it. we got our duit rye.

but today, this morning, its different. my mom was crying, my dad was crying, everybdy was. and surprisingly i was, too. and smhow i just ask forgiveness from my family deepest from my heart that i cant bear to cry.

we all cried because this raya is so different. we felt it just not any other raya we used to have. it because something is missing. something. and i know its because the absence of my brother.

Leia Mais

Monday, August 31, 2009

vma 2009:)

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 30, 2009


heh i dont feel like want to celebrate but im proud to be malaysian:)

well holiday is almost over.shit. i havent finish all my homework and i dont care anymore. and tomorrow 6 pm sharp i got to be at school. meeting my dorm mates, seniors('yay!'), my friends, classmates and lastly teachers who are excited to see if we've done our hw.haha.

and starts from tomorrow i will buke puase with all the people at school. yeah. sedih sial. and i dont know about my sahur. probably i have to wake up early just to eat sahur in my 'delightful' DM.hah.all this things that im going to get through going to be the most memorable experience and im going to tell this to people in i dont know 10 years? maybe. but i just have to keep going and be contented to what i have.

Leia Mais

Saturday, August 29, 2009


hey its saturday and i just back home from melaka. we visiting my sister in law(?) at lendu i guess. and man im fucking tire and pretty sleepy. i slept at 4 am last night (or morning). and sahur at 5. great. but im taking nice nap on car just now.

its weird when i notice that most of my friends already have girlfriend. i dont know what to say. but my heart just not to excited to find someone. when i saw a girl i just smile and ooookay move on. i just dont have this attention to have anyone in my life. im happy with what i already have now, loving family and cool friends. but i know sooner or later i will realize that i need someone to share everything. and its not now. not now for me. because im scared when i see relationship actually not always beautiful.

fuck off lah:) i dont care...yet.

Leia Mais

foxy megan:)

new movie:) megan as a evil? hell yes!!
and she will be new cat woman in new batman movie:)
hows that?

Leia Mais


hah. miss dakota fanning as vamp jane. i thought jane look like a child or something. this looks like a secretary:)

Leia Mais

i want to fly but i couldnt find wings

ah, i dont know why i feel so tired today. just want to sleep all day but i couldnt cause i know i cant sleep at night. and yesterday i met all my friends and its 10 of us. its crazy, of cause. we watching UP and we laugh at the movie bcause i dont know mayb because its for kids. we all berbuka at mcD and its all fine and im very very happy. but today i felt like im missing my school. and i dont know why. it seems i missed my friends there i guess but its silly. everyone in my school are excited to go home and forget about school whatsoever while im missing school.

and i dont feel im functioning today. i just lay down in my room doing nothing.

hah i need life

Leia Mais

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


i really really need something to do to make myself function. its like everything around me moves slowly and i feel really lonely. i just texting and calling my friends but we all going to meet this thursday. hah its ramadhan so theres nothing much to do. i miss the moment when i eat maggie with my friends. we cooked it in large bowl and cooked 6 packet and eat in one bowl.haha its maybe disgusting to some ppl but hey, its fun.we just have to eat it in the right place so we dont get caught by warden.haha. maggie is kinda illigele in my school. and i dont know why. i dont know what the school want from us. but i cant wait until i end of ramadhan so we can eat maggie at 2 in the morning again:)

True Blood Pictures, Images and Photos
love it.haha.but on last post i said its sookie and sam but i was wrong.its eric another vamp.

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 23, 2009


hmm its pretty boring today. i woke up at 1 pm haha. balas dendam sbb hri2 bgn awl kt asrama like fuck. and im doing nothing today im sitting in front of tv and nothing on tv had my attention im just staring at the tv but not watch it. i tried to listen to mp3 and tried to read books but still, its all empty.nothing. sometimes i think its better for me just follow my friends who live far away from here like terengganu or kelantan or even perlis. they are much more excited to go home than i do. they missed their family and friends. one of my friends living in terengganu has house beside the beach.haha fuck i want to go there.

im looking forward to meet my friends. we plan to buka puasa together. JJ i think.

i dont know if you can read it but its fucking funny.look at wat this lady post on her fb and she is engaged. i cant stop laughing.

Leia Mais

fuck im addicted

to the show. true blood.haha damn it i wish i can watch it at school. 'cikgu bleh sye bwak tv ngan astro blik dorm leh x?' haha hell no.

sabine:  (via rachelanastasia:fuckyeahericnorthman:mollychambers) hottest scene of the show ever  mah, i have to see the show, NOW!

i have to see the show.omg. sookie with sam? damn it.

Leia Mais

Friday, August 21, 2009

puase la weyh

holiday's back:)

its great to back home within a week..and tomorrow is ramadhan. get up at 5 am and eat a LOT of food. haha. so i have one week holiday. but tonnes of homework. my teachers just simply cant get out of my life for a while they'll stick with you until spm.haha

and today i had jalinan minda at school. basicly its like take out report card. and my dad and i met my add math teacher. haha what an experience, well i failed my add math, again. so he said that i need more practise and try to understand the whole concept.shit. i have no time for practice excuse me. we have no time for other things than finishing our homework. maybe i'll use this holiday to do my addmath practise.

oh yeah. selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan.:D

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 16, 2009

my volunteer work at zoo negara:)

well im not remember when the date is.but my class's sivik program was volunteers work at zoo was my first time been there so im a lil bit jakun and nak tgk sme binatang.haha.and the animals are dear bored.well at least we have fun. heres some pics:)

im too lazy to do the tags:) sorry.but yeah we are skema but energetic.

Leia Mais

Friday, August 14, 2009

my daily life

at school. hah. i have this idea to post my routine at asrama. and i wanted people to know how fucking tired it is to live in such life like this.

monday- friday

5.45am- okay usually im the first person who wake up in my dorm. im the one who wakes everybody up like heheh. and straight away go to bathroom and subuh.then breakfast.the food, sometimes u cant even put it on your mouth.too hot.but im being greatful to whatever is given to me.

7.00am- everybody assemble and assembly session starts.

7.45am- school session starts:) and i like all my teachers. bersmngat gle lah..i respect them like my parents. they're great.they keep pushing us to the top. thats what i like.

10.25am- recess.haha. i love ikan keli at canteen. i wish i could eat it everyday:) school session starts back.

2.15pm- p&p end. we all rushing to dewan makan for lunch. i have to stress the word 'rush'.haha.
after zohor,pegi class blek.

3.00pm- usually they have one hour with panitia. and this is the class where everyone is fucking tired.if theres teacher coming in, guess what i do.sleep.haha.

4.30pm- my friends and i will go to dm and have evening supper. and asar.

5.00pm- this is riadah time. this is the time where everybody play games, sports and everything. but im not a sport sweating myself out once a week. on i usually go to class and read news paper, chatting with friends or sometimes i sleep on this period:).haha

6.15pm- mandi.haisshh.we love to play around the toilet and throw each other face with water(?).haha

6.40pm- dinner. and we will go for maghrib at surau.

8.30pm- prep. they give us one hour to study on specific subject. its like monday is add math night, tuesday is chemistry night.yeah.we will start doing our homework at 9.30.

10.30pm- dm.for night supper.and isyak.

11.00pm- i rarely went to my dorm after 11 cause usually ill be at my class. my class is like my home.ill be there most of the time. and completing my hw(cause they only give us one hour to finish our hw on prep even though the hw is fucking piling like shit). if im not at class i'll kawad (ahem) for kadet polis. yeah probably this is my night.haha

12.30pm- ill be at dorm, finally.and sleep usually at 1.

and thats how my routine at school.

and saturday usually we have bengkel at 8.30,after dorm inspection.klu xde bengkel, we prep until 12.and saturday night is our free time.sometimes we watch tv, movie, eating magie.haha

sunday i'll wake up at 10am and do anything until 6.usually parents comes on sunday if there's no outing.and we have prep at night.

yeah.this is my bored life.but if i think on the bright side, if im not at boarding school, i probably will spending most of my time sleeping or playing computer.
so i thank to Allah everyday for this great opportunity in life.

Leia Mais

old memories

hey im home now. i got pulang bermlm cause tomorrow i have anugerah cemerlang. great. bleh jmpe my old classmate and teachers:) . i miss them so fucking much? andand im so anxious so entering my school again. i miss it soo pretty sure old memories will hit me.haha. and im still wondering who will be at the ceremony cause most of my friends who get 8a's all schooling at, gonjeng.i dont know if they will come or not.but i really really wish they will bw there cause i want this to happen whit them around me. its sort of completing the ceremony.perfect.ahhh i dont know what im talking about but im sure tomorrow im going to meet people that ive miss so much.

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 9, 2009

its already august?

like watafuk?haha i feel like i just entered saser yesterday and tring to fit myself in this school.seriously. and now im happier here cause dah ade rmi kwn. and here i learn to know what kind of people exist in this world. i learn about myself too. ape jenis manusia aku nih. and everything.

weellll i'll be back home in 2 weeks now and hell yeah im anxious about it.

Leia Mais

Thursday, July 23, 2009

on9 at school:)

hey hahaha omg this is my first time online-ing at school- SASER. actually this is the first time im entering this school's computer lab. it soppuse to be pjk right now but my teacher bring us myspace even only for idk less then 30 minutes?

but i really,really miss my home now.gosh i'll be back home 5 weeks from now.damn it.but outing next week.i probably wont back home.

gosh i really,really dont know wht to write now. ok byebye ppl:)

Leia Mais

Monday, July 20, 2009


bye ppl i'll be back probably on this august. wish me the best for august's test:) love ya

Leia Mais

beautiful nightmare

okay i tried to think what the hell ive done over this short break- nothing. damn it. i got freaking a lot of homework piling like shit but im not done any of it. i bet my friends from terengganu, kelantan or even perak already done their jobs. bloody hell. i dont even get out from this house. i dont even went to cinema watching Harry P. damn it. well i guess ill try to wake up early tomorrow and do my hw. although i know, i know deep inside of my heart i wont wake up early tomorrow. hah. great.

well tomorrow night ill start sleeping on my dorm's bed-again. school sessions will start as usual.


"at least im wearing underwear"- such a great word to say.haha.but still, she can wear a better underwear:)
why they invented dress like that anyway?

Leia Mais

Saturday, July 18, 2009

i eat:

2 cups of chocolate ice cream
2 bars of cadbury chocolate
2 pieces of bread with susu pekat+ milo on it
1 pack of magee
1 nasi lemak
4 fried chicken (lunch + dinner)
1 mee goreng udang
1 pack of keropok ikan:)

but still, im not gaining any weight.
sometimes i think im sick
i have something not right about my body that it dont want to gain weight.
well im not saying i hate the way my body is right now:)

Leia Mais

its too much,it wont fit.

okay i just got back from puchong. and i dont know im still not tired at all.

hmm ppl, at my school keep asking me what i want to be when i grow up. i was like, i donno ?-.-' i have no dream at all. one day want to be a surgent, and next day lawyer, then bio chemist, sometime i even think to become an environment saver.haha. its silly. maybe thats why i dont do well in study. cause i don have any dream. when i ask myself, 'why in the hell im study?' i dont know. simply dont know. yesterday my dad ask me what course do i want to take in my furture studies. medical or enginering? i said i dont know daddy. then my father started to leture that i should know what i want to be next 10 years. i donno! fuck. forget about that.

well i dont think im going anywhere this holiday. ill just sit and doin nothing i guess. holidays sucks, school sucks, life even sucker.haha


everyone in my school (boys school) is freaking busy talking about megan fox. haha yeah she's hot. i agree. but i still doubt her if she is straight:) whatever it is megan fox is always foxy haha

Leia Mais

Friday, July 17, 2009


okay im on holiday now:) for 4 days- i dont think its going to feel like 4 days. haih. i miss everything. i wanna do everything now. cause i got monthly test next month and i know im going to be freaking busy. and paramore have a new song! haha omg. im not listen the full song yet but i know its going to be great song. and and ppl i got to become my school's PRS. hhaha i know wtf? but i kinda like it. to me, i rather become prs than prefect. prs dont involved teachers and they dont have to do jobs for teacher. it just involved counselor and its great cause its not going to have a lot of work. great.

Leia Mais

Sunday, July 5, 2009

im still in a piece:)

okay i have a lot to say actually. i just got home from our 'perkemahan perdana' which included all form 4. and we went to Sg Gabai i think?haha anyway this camp teach me a lot of new things and change my perspective of this country, our country Malaysia. before this camp i just dont give a shit on any politics issues in Malaysia but this camp make me realise that its important for me, for us, even we are only a student to know whats actually going on out there.

im very thankful to have opportunity to join this camp. and even we are in the middle of kampung, in the middle of village, haha let me tell ya the food is fucking delicious and i dont feel like im in any camp that tortured kids to do something, but it feels like a holiday:)

Leia Mais

Sunday, June 21, 2009

unpalatable truth

madam's nagging is a string of unpalatable truth!
-my eng and class teacher, mdm Lim.

okay it's been a week im at school and today, Sunday, we got outing and as usual i back home.well i want to tell u guys my results for my mid-year examination.haha. okay my ranking is 137 and if u remember, my last ranking was 185:) so, im climbing up the ranking lah:D.haha. second intake dominate the rank.they're all pretty smart than first intake. i dont give any shit about that.
and i got 3 a's and 1 fail. guess what subject it is?? haha yeah addmath.

well i'll be back to my school this evening and going back to my school sessions. hey,we'll have perkhemahan perdana this 2nd of july. damn. camping is so not my thing, but i hope it will be freaking awesome event i guess.

thats all from me,

Leia Mais

Sunday, June 14, 2009

its hard to tell

okay today is end of 2 weeks holiday and im pretty hate it cause i have to go back to my usual life; schooling, prep, exam results, eating at dm, sleeping at double story bed.yeah. im gonna miss all my friends here, my phone (i insisted not to bring them to school), myspace, my blog. everything.

i have to pack my bags and everything and prepare to get my ass to school again D:
byebye ppl.
its been a pretty nice holiday i guess
next target: another two months, holiday!haha

muuuuahhhhhhh looove u guys:)

Leia Mais

Friday, June 12, 2009


okay its friday and 2 days for end of holidays.i wonder what are the exciting things ive done this 2 weeks holiday.well first, my meetup with friends at jusco seremban 2.and we taking pics and everything.i love that day.second, i finished reading new moon.i cant believed im stuck with that novel until 3 in the morning.third, going to johor and meet my family there.we went to beach.yeah pretty much 'exciting' i guess.haha and thats it.damn it i wish i could do more things.

my bio's folio-omg i dont even start yet.tonight maybe,i'll start and try to make the best as i can.

Leia Mais

Thursday, June 11, 2009

dreams not always a nightmare:)

well i just got back home from johor.and its kinda fun traveling rather than sitting home.and we got to beach yesterday and i love walking along the beach and sea water washed my feet.haaa.haha.i cant describe it in beautiful words like stephanie meyer did on her novels.gah.and yes ive already finished reading new moon.and i think it better than twilight cause its so much thrilled and adventure kinda thing even though edward was not appeared on the novel as much as twilight.

and i had dream last probably the dream i most appreaciated in my life i think.i dream about my late brother.and it was the first time ever since he passed the dream, i became kid again and i didnt remember all the parts of the dream but i can see him smiling and i wrapped my arms around his waist.i can feel him in my arms.and idk ppl may think dream just a dream but to me sometimes we just dying to dream about something that we cant get in real world.

Leia Mais

Saturday, June 6, 2009

i want to be better

haaa todays already saturday and im seriously freaking out cause the pile of hw i still not finish doing.and chemistry hw was a tough challenge and the question was omg killing me.dont let me started about add math and physics.i pland to do it next week after coming back from johor.yes, im going to johor this tuesday.haih

this is another great movie.and my fav fav actress was on it.kate called little children.idk it was a pretty simple movie but it just lovely to watch and how blind love can be.smetimes even the person who we married is not the person we hope it would be.

Leia Mais

Friday, June 5, 2009


today would be the most dullest day of all i guess. i woke up from my dreamless sleep pretty late today, maybe because i was struggling to sleep up until 3 in the morning last night.

when i cant sleep my mind just drift away to some point that i dont even want to think about that time. when everything is quite and you by urself struggling to sleep and trying to know why in the hell you just cant freaking sleep though your body do not have any strength to move anymore.
and your mind just thinking about littlest and silliest things.even sometimes you think about ghost and automatically being scared of nothing.

and i just cant believed that its almost a week its been school holiday. but when i ask myself 'did u enjoy ur holiday?' i just not sure what the answer is. maybe i should start finishing my homework instade of online, reading novel, baby-sitting my niece.haih.

and i just watched 'he not that into you' movie and its actually a sweet movie that show love is not just about u have to married someone or have a boyfriends or girlfriends. its all about making yourself happy and i love the advice given by justin long to a girl who are desperately want to find her soulmate. well, if want to know what the hell im lacture about go and watch urself:)

Leia Mais

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

MOSH meetup:)

so today as planned, my friends and i meet at jusco and having sooo much fun together. they all seem different since i last saw them.haha guys are more taller(i guess) and some of them changed tp more mature than i thought they would be..ahem.girls haha i admire by their looks.they dressed better nowdays(no feeling) and wears more killer dresses i think.haha good job girls:)

well at first we planned to catch up movie and play bowling but theres a changing in plan and we decided to...KARAOKE!!haha. we booked for like what, 12 ppl and we got the freaking biggest room at greenbox. room 21. this room had been our dream to have fun in here. well the dream come true i guess although its silly.

and i meet quite a lot of ppl today and for my surprise, i met my ex-discipline teacher, pn. faridah..haha all my friends are turning their face when she came closer but i just came to her and say hi.weird? yeah. and she said "what chu doin?" haha seriously. well i dont have to be scare she will call me to her room cause im not schooling at Seri Ampangan anymore.

heres some videos of our craziness:) smile!

hot n cold-katy perry the ugly voice is mine:)

this 4 second video was accidentally taken by me, when i got home and watched it, its makes me smile to see how silly my friends is:)
this is specially for paan and afni..haha

Leia Mais

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


such a boring day!
my friends planned on going to swimming pool and invited me to go along but its raining and obviously ppl went to pool when its hot day.and here i am stuck in my house baby-sit my 3 months old niece. 'great' shafiq!

i used to being afraid to hold her cause uknow, shes still so little and shes not strong enough to support her head.but now i have guts to hold her and its not that difficult to carry her around.

and thats my pathetic day:)

Leia Mais

Monday, June 1, 2009

new moon trailer is here:)


i love the part where jacob come to save bella..i think ladies might change their mind and choose jacob over edward this time:)haha who knows?

Leia Mais

Sunday, May 31, 2009

do it with style

okay nothing much happening today cause i sit here, in my house 24 sister just got here this afternoon and her daughter, OMG soooo freaking cute.she like my mom when my mom was a baby.and my sister's lil girl loves to talk with ppl, in her baby language of cause.

adra qistina

and my friends and i were busy planning on our meet up. in jusco i usual. i think we may not karaoke again cause im dying to watch movies on cinema. its been 2 months i dont go to come on.

new movies im dying to watch are drag me to hell, gi joe, new moon, terminator, night at the museum. god i have to buy a lot of cetak rompak dvd this holiday to watch all movies that i missed.

Leia Mais

Saturday, May 30, 2009

it would be, it would be so nice

yeah its holiday ppl!!!!!
and speaking of holidays it remind me to madonna's song holiday i guess..haha.i used to listened it on sinar fm on the way to go to school. my mom loves listening to sinar every morning so when she jump in the car to sent me to school, she open up sinar fm and i had to listen to sinar too.

i dont know wat im gonna do this whole holidays and the only thing in my mind is meeting with my friends:) i miss them a lot.

i starting to like my new classmates and my class. although just a few of them r really2 shit.but we started to laugh and making jokes on each other and prep seems not so quite anymore.i just hope 4 sigma unite and become the best class ever. but compare to my old classmates, nothing really beat them. in my heart kenanga still my first priorities.

Leia Mais

Sunday, May 24, 2009

keep knocking on wood

hey im here, at home.saserians got outing as usual i be at it was a very-very crazy month for me.and i just cant wait for mid year break to loose all the twisted things.okay i just done my mid year exam lat week:).piiiuuuuuh.i dont know about my add math result cause i pretty much using my own 'hentam gile babi punye' formula :) and i studied till 1 am every night just to make sure i am ready for test next day.well actually im not that ready even i studied till 2amD: well forget about the test dont worry i'll tell u guys my result later.

today actually my parents and i will heading to melaka to celebrate my niece's birthday.ahaha i cant wait to see her and wish her happy birthday.she's turning 1.thank god i got outing and have a chance to be at her first birthday.well i got nothing left to say.i will continue blogging thing mid year break:)cant wait to meet my ya

Leia Mais

Sunday, May 3, 2009

shake the glitter!!

hey there. we got outing usual i got back home.and i'll be facing mid year exam on 11/5/09.what a 'great' life!huh enough about school. now..katy perry's new vid!hahaha.sheet.i love her costume.its not her best song but i kinda like it..well 5.05 pm and i have to get back to school before 6.haih im tired living a life like this.okay ppl wish me luck for my mid-year exam.and im wishing my luck to all my friends too.god i miss them so much.i cant wait this end of month holidays:)haha. u guys make me stronger.muah!

Leia Mais

Sunday, April 26, 2009

so here we go again

okay today i have to go back to reality- school. shit. im going at 5 pm i guess.but i have to get all my stuff ready and have run to stores to buy some foods and need. ill be back on mid-year holiday.which is on may.haha great. so good bye blogspot, goodbye myspace, goodbye life. i'll be missing u guys and damn katy perry's new music vid will be release on 28th may. fuck its so near and i think im going to watch it next week cause there's outing day next week. haih. i have to struggle this two years and get scholarship and study wherever i want.hahaha.and its not going to get any easier.

well, bye-bye ppl.(although no alot of ppl reading my blog)

Leia Mais

Saturday, April 25, 2009

rocket in my mind,

well i didnt post anything last night. i got no mood actually. and television seems not my number one priority anymore. like even if i get to catch heroes, ugly betty(or any showw like that) i cannot watch the next it such a waste of time. i rather listen to my mp3 cause i dont feel i given much time to listen to my songs at school. speaking of music, one singer that i really, really love to listen to is YUNA. damn. her songs are beautiful and soulful. i just sing her song in class and it stuck in my head until now. when teacher scolded at our class, a someone talking crap to me, or anything makes me feel boring, her song actually playing in my head.haha.its great. after midnight are one of the song that playing in my head again and again.

and right now my homework is, oh my god, keep piling like sheeeet.i hate hw seriously. but when i see kids in my class working hard on making afford on their study, i simply followed a lil jealous of smart kids. how the hell they get too smart?i mean gifted people.who are lazy, annoying kids but can be freaking excellent on btw my ranking for march monthly test, bahaha 185 ppl.185! over 215 at lowest level.haha i dont feel upset or anything, because i know teachers there going to keep push my ass until i get to the top. we'll see:) and mid year exam is coming up pretty soon. hah! add math here i come.i cant wait to see my school's HEM face when he mark my so-going-to-be-failed paper cause he's teaching add math. great.

Leia Mais

Friday, April 24, 2009

this is mine

okayy its been a while.everything seems to move so fast.i have 2 days holiday and i dont think its me, everything in my life is all about school.nothing i will spend this whole 2 and half days on myself. im excited to go back home cause my two little niece are waiting for me and ohmigod, they are much bigger and growing faster than i expect. in school, we only have saturday night until sunday night for free time. and most of us use all our free time with sleeping. hah. its freaking tired living in boarding school.

there are several activities i took part in school. one of them is kawad. haha. i cant believe i can actually being part of jebat's kawad team. we practice like hell but when the time they announced that we are the winner its just feel some kind of satisfied on us. i dont know. saser keep us the student busy. sometimes i feel like im already studying in university or smthing.

and right now i feel so much better living in asrama i feel a little bit sence of what my purpose doing there and everythng. im glad that the teachers there will work as hard as they could to make sure their students can score on spm. i kind of need that help.i actually kind of relieved when i know i can make it to spm and get scholarship!!

haha okay im talking crap, again.
will posting more blog tonight or tomorrow:)

Leia Mais

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i wish i could be that simple

huh its been two long feels like forever.damn.well lets see whats going on in my life this past two weeks.first i want to talk about my exam.heahahaha.well i failed my add math paper.i never got that kind of marks in my life.and other subjs was fine:).
and then earth hour.great my school support the programme.we just sat at surau and perform our isyak in dark.its great.i feel like nobody else around me.
theres a lot of movie coming up in cinema.urgh i cant watch them, fast and furious, confession of shoppaholic, many more..haih.that my life so far.nothing interesting.ill be back to school at 5:30 i guess.haish.cant complaint.i just gonna get through this whole two years and have my own life.
well i dont wanna write no more cause i'll be talking crap.well this is crap.

Leia Mais

Friday, March 20, 2009

open my eyes i see sky,

oh gosh its already friday.time moving so fart i cant even realise the time moving forward.and i can feel that my school's gate calling me to come back,sit there and study!!.what a life.i just cant wait to finished my spm paper, graduate and idk hopefully keep continuing my studies and have a great job.i still dont know wat the job might be.i simply future is still blurry and its hard for me to guess what i will doing in idk 10 years to come? but all i ever wanted for my future is the job that i love to do everyday, i will buy a nice small cosy house anywhere i like with a very-very cosy cushions, buy a small-echo-friendly car, and travel to new country every year.haha great.all i can do is keep dreaming.& one of my freaking so-not-going-to-be-real dream is being adopted by brad pitt and angelina jolie:)

Leia Mais