Thursday, December 31, 2009

hi twenty-ten :)

okay in a few hours it will be twenty-ten. 2009 is the most 'everything' year for me. ive been through a lot. yeah. and as much as it so meaningful to me but i honestly want it to end faster. because i just cant wait to open a new chapter in my life. well yeah most of the time in year of 2009 was a boring but it gives me a lot. i learned a lot about myself, i learned a lot about others, i learned about life too.

and i started the year with quite emotional time for me and my family cause the death of my first brother. i saw it goes infront of my eyes. my family devastated, my mom crying, my friends pay their condolences. yeah. in that moment i know how important family and friends is in my life. then its all about new things. new school, new environment, new bed(haha), new friends, new perspective in life. im growing a gazillion time yknow. haha.

well, i have a lot of fun too. this year i learned who are my real friends. and i wish i can have a lot more than i already got this year, its just not enough. no.

okay im going to stop talking about past. so now, here i am sitting infront of computer and having big apple's doughnut in my hand, welcoming 2010 with open arm and open heart with open eyes. yeah, 2010, show me what u got to give me, i am all ready. :D

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