Friday, December 18, 2009

running through my head

i really dont know why im using internet for hours and hours. yes im using myspace but its kinda boring for me nowdays. i dont know why im posting bogs- which no one ever care to read. i guess i need to find something else to do. new thing. but the thing is i dont have enough guts to do it. what i post in my blog is not totally sincere from my heart. no. i just cant let myself write and post things that matter to me for ppl to read. i try to write diary or write everything on my head and heart on a book but it didnt work. i still wrote things that i dont really want to write about. i guess im scared to write it and to read it again. well actually no one knows what actually running through my head. no one. not even my best friends. i just simply cant tell them everything i felt. i keep everything inside me. and its hurt. gah wth im writing? readers, sometimes i do get emotional. this is another side of me.

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