Tuesday, December 22, 2009

4 in the morning

i cant sleep last night. i was lying in my bed in the dark, its 4.30 am. i just stared at the dark ceiling and my mind just flown away by millions of thought. i was thinking about the future, about what is it for me to do next. how many responsibility i have to carry. and i thinking about past too. and i kept thinking about the funny parts of my life at school. i always share my story about my school life with my sister and we laugh. i remember i told her about my silliest embarrassment of all when i do announcement where the whole school hear it and i laugh in the middle of the announcement and get scolded by warden? haha. i laugh alone in the dark last night when i was thinking about that event.

srsly, i dont know what im trying to tell u reader, but it was in my thoughts:)

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