Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new year

byebye 2009:) i wish time wont moving that fast!

How old did you become this year?

Did you host any parties this year?
ha no?

Which was your favorite month?

Which was your worst month?

Have you made a new best friend?
oh yess:)

Have you fallen in love?
idk about that feeling

Have you done something you regret?
of cause. i wish i was more focus in add math class:)

Did you not do something you wished you did?
yeah. a lot of things didnt happen the way i want it.

Did you wish for something that came true?

Did a best friend help you out?

Did you get in a lot of trouble?
not that a lot. just lil fun and lil trouble:)

Did a friend hurt you?
haha yes.

Were you in a car accident?

Did a close relative die?
yes. my brother.

Did you change schools?
hell yes. sains seremban

Did you sleep in the same bed as the opposite sex?
idk not sure..haha

Did you get so drunk that you passed out?

Did you wanna say something to someone, but did not because you were too scared?
not scared but just dont wanna make it such a huge deal

Did you cry for no reason?
we cry for reason?

Did you dye your hair?

Did you break any rules?

If you could replay last year again, would you?
ha no.

Overall was last year a good year or a bad year?
(this year) change me a lot. im much growing up.

Is the New Year...

Going to be better than last year?
not sure. SPM!

How old are you going to be when its your birthday?
17 baby:)

Are you going to change schools?

Are you going to be looking for a new relationship?
ha that i cant tell

Do you wanna do something different?

You are gonna become a year older, looking forward to it?
not really..i dont want to be old! haha

Where are you going to go on Spring Break?

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