Saturday, November 21, 2009

last post: 25/10/09

hahah its been a month babe since i last posted. yeah im pretty buzy with exam and everything and now, since its the end of year holiday, maybe im lil free to do things i love to do- internet. or maybe not. i have classes this holiday. i want to shape up my add math skills. aku failed add math for final exam. haha. best gle. yup. the whole test for form four test/ exam i failed my add math. salah sape? ntah lah sme slah. haha. then i'll have to attend 3/4 weeks classes. but never mind i want to catch up on everything so it wont burden me next year. spm la ngok next year. wake up.

and my final year ranking is 193 over 268 kot. but it just bother me at all. its just a figure. and and i have a looooot of plan for this holiday. other than going to classes, i want to watch new moon, hang out with friends, try to ride motocycle ( im not sure if i remember how to ride it), learn to drive a car, went to swimming pool.. and lot more.

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