Friday, June 5, 2009


today would be the most dullest day of all i guess. i woke up from my dreamless sleep pretty late today, maybe because i was struggling to sleep up until 3 in the morning last night.

when i cant sleep my mind just drift away to some point that i dont even want to think about that time. when everything is quite and you by urself struggling to sleep and trying to know why in the hell you just cant freaking sleep though your body do not have any strength to move anymore.
and your mind just thinking about littlest and silliest things.even sometimes you think about ghost and automatically being scared of nothing.

and i just cant believed that its almost a week its been school holiday. but when i ask myself 'did u enjoy ur holiday?' i just not sure what the answer is. maybe i should start finishing my homework instade of online, reading novel, baby-sitting my niece.haih.

and i just watched 'he not that into you' movie and its actually a sweet movie that show love is not just about u have to married someone or have a boyfriends or girlfriends. its all about making yourself happy and i love the advice given by justin long to a girl who are desperately want to find her soulmate. well, if want to know what the hell im lacture about go and watch urself:)

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