Tuesday, December 23, 2008


haha..ok its been 3 days i dont post anything. and in the three days there's a lot of stuff going on..i wonder why the the i wanna post blog there is nothing going on..yeah..nothing.let's start;

20 Dec 2008

ok..hmm my relatives were coming cause we have this kenduri on sunday so its been pretty busy around the house.but not all of them can come:( all my cousins that been my friends since like we were born cant make it cause something happen in their home.so i was not really excited for the kenduri but my brother's daughter was here so i played with her all day..haha. she cried when first she saw all of us but once she get used with us yeah she just love ppl caring her around the house..bahaha.
and other interesting things happen on this date was me, shafiq, ride a motorcycle for the very first freaking time:)haha.its weird cause almost all of my friends can ride it. but well my brother teach me but once i get in it OMG so fucking easy..haha.if i know it easy as riding a bicycle,i will ride it years ago.shit..haha i ride at forth gear on the first day..haha.

21 dec 2008

okay so on this date ppl come to my house and the kenduri start. i dont do anything much just sit around till ppl stepped out from my house then i ate. thats all..haha. and that night we all watch transformer.well not all of us just me and my brother-in-law. yeah i have to say that is the great movie ever. i kind of regret not watching it on cinema. yeah my friends do asking me to see it but idk wat reason i gave them i cant go.yeah.


22 dec 2008

my sister went to her home on this date. so it was nothing. i just online all day i guess and chatting with ppl and my ym cant worked idk why.the text that we sent to ppl dont appeared.so i used ebuddy for chatting..and then nothing really happen.
went to sleep at 2 am as usual.

thats it and to day i just fucking bored so i take a nap.. idk if i can sleep tonight..maybe i'll read.
and maybe i'll watch angus,thongs and perfect snogging tonight i just finished download it..haha

yeah i love to download movie so i dont have waste money neither on movie tickets
nor on dvd..yeah:D

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