Monday, December 29, 2008


haha idk wat to put on the title:)..nway,, yesterday was the most horrible day of my life! shit.i dont want to talk about it..hmm..and today too i guess.haha sial. bgn2 je xde breakfast and my mom said "its already 12 oclock anyway, mkn tgh ari trus.." damnit. so i just made my own breakfast and i dont wanna tell wat my mom's cooked for lunch today..hmm..

so tomorrow probably a big day for form 3 students, yeah pmr result..idk man i still dont feel anything yet..haha. i just thrill to meet my friends thats all..yeah probably meeting with them makes me a lil bit happy..yeah.

everything is bothering me rite now, so i just cant wait for school starts and maybe if i get great result i WILL move to board school..yeah.i just think about it. i cannot live any seconds in this house anymore i need to get out. i dont care wat would happen to me in there. yeah..sjkdhiaudh.

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