Thursday, March 10, 2011

i want to do bad things to you

currently listening to: Says Who- Selena Gomez
currently reading: A Season of Leaves

another off day today, and it has been 2 days to the date i met all my close friends from saser and im still thinking about the meeting at mid valley last monday. there was a lot to talk about, and we did have fun. and one thing i realized that i was kept talking about my work place, even i could felt a little annoyed by it, but thats my life now, working at the freakin clothing store. i really wanted to shopping on that day but the only thing i bought was a novel. yeah, a novel. still reading it. never regret i bought it though.

okay stop the babbles. pagi ni bangun lambat for the first time in a month kot? memang dah tak biasa sebab hari2 bangun awal. one thing i hate about waking up late is the emotions. the mixing feelings that makes you feel misery or something. i dont know, kalau bangun awal, i feel great to start the day. and the reason is i watched japanese movie until 1 am and cant stop thinking about the movie and its hard for me to sleep. thanks to my friend, Cahaya, who shared her interest in karean/japanese movie and drama on the blog. so i end up bangun lambat. its a good movie and i want to watch more korean or japanese movies i guess. beralih angin la pulak.. so far my day is okay, i feel okay, just bosan sikit jer lah.

cant wait for True Blood season 4. i miss Eric and he's going to be hilang ingatan and stay with sookie :)


dude said...

I wanna watch beastly, any idea where?
and you spell korean/karean. noob =_=

shafiqdiditagain said...

beastly? its kinda new, so i have no idea where to watch. try search on there's a tonnes of movies online. :)
typing error. haha i will make your blog posts look original. aceehhh. haha

dude said...
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dude said...

lol, aku tak paham. how is "i will make your blog posts look original"?
haha. *this is 5 in the morning

p/s: could you please change that one story,thousand blurbs to weehee
that line annoys me.hahah

shafiqdiditagain said...

sorry i never read back what ive type in comments or blog post. haha malas.

dah tukar. no problem.