Friday, March 11, 2011


have you ever cry or feeling too emotional when you guys watch a movie or drama? well, these couple of days that was what happening to me. damn. i watched three sad, moving Japanese movies and they managed to leave something unusual in my heart. its not my first attempt or whatsoever watching romantic movies, but these three movies really are different from what Ive watched so far. i cant stop thinking of it, when a particular scene came across my mind, i felt uneasy and many questions running through my head. 'what if one of them not die?' 'what if the guy just confess his feelings?' ' what if she gave birth to the child?' and many more. i even felt like crying today when i was alone at the store room at my work place while taking out the stocks. am i being a little too dramatic? yes. its just a movie right? but i just cant stop thinking of it. shit. i think i might be addicted to it kot.

anyway, i tak kan bagi tahu how the story goes in these three films, tahu lah korang boleh google but saya tak promote pun, i just want to post about it.

and there's more pictures on my tumblr. bersepah. keje reblog jer. i cant wait to watch more movies like this. Korean maybe? haha

my best friend, Haqim will come to Seremban all the way from Terengganu. i hope he and his friends have a save journey. cant wait to see him.


sorarasyido said...

oh japan ni aku jrang tgk.. movie anime japan aku slalu lar.. tp aku mmg tabib japan sbb diorang pndai wt jalan citer..korea? idea kering...

shafiqdiditagain said...

yes the story line is quite simple but it means a lot.
korea belum try lagi. nanti lah :D

Mimiey said...

hey, thanx for following me!
btw, could u pliz put the title of the 3 movies here? i'm dying to watch them. ^^