Sunday, February 13, 2011

my old self

hari nih best siket. kenapa? sebab kawan3 lame stop by kt FOS tadi, haha. paan, shahrul, rashid and syuk. best2. dah lame x jumpe, since amek spm arituh kot. jumpe je gelak2. walaupun jumpe kejap jer. waktu rehat. like 2 hours. memang x cukup. sampai they all came to my store and stay there and we laughing our heads off. sampai when they left, my supervisor panggil i was like 'fuck mesti kene marah nih', i was right. 'lame nye borak, siap berkampung lagi, awak tu kerje, lain kali akak bagi borak 2 minutes jer'. first time tuh kene marah. but i dont even felt guilty or anything. im happy, happy to see my friends, and actually dah lame gile x gelak mcm tadi. then i was thinking, x kesah lah kene marah pown as long i can feel like myself, my old self. yeah lately im wondering that maybe im such a fake when im working. they dont even know who i am really like. yeah, i took time to reveal to people my real self, but at work, its totally different. gosh, i miss my old self. i miss my friends. then when my supervisor get mad at me, i was thinking 'youre getting fired dude' haha. there was a part of me that dont really care if i got fired. theres tonnes other jobs out there. but im not fired, that would be crazy. but one thing that makes me happy today, i was fucking laughing.

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