Thursday, February 10, 2011

letter lagi touching bhai :)

well, its not a love letter. no. heck no. haha. i received a letter from my good friend, Arif Amzar, or we call him Lalat. dont ask why. semalam balik kerje and my mom said i got a letter from Amzar. Mgg quite blurr sebab penat and i was like who the hell is Amzar cause i call him Lalat. then i saw this PLKN pye lambang (since die sedang berkhidmat) im sooo excited smpi nak terkoyak kertas tuh.. then i read it, shit. its fucking sad. He thanked my family and i for all this years letting him stayed at my house when we were still in Saser. and he said thanks for being his friend and tought him to dance GEE. and he said he misses everybody, yuna, haqim, cikgu jennyta( our fav physics teacher, we used to have private class with her, i miss that moment) and ainul. i dont have to tell more about ainul. haha its the funny part. then terus call die. i said im sorry didnt call him mase CNY break cause im working and busy. we talked almost one hour. i wish i could reply but naaahh i forgot to ask his address there.

received a letter from a friend who still in PLKN program makes me feels like we were still in war and letter is the only way to connect(since Lalat is PLKN-ing) and i makes me thinking about the vintage movies i watched. well i seriously merepek tak tentu pasal sekang. i better stop. im just tired. thanks for reading this pointless blog :) ( walaupun tau xde sape bace)

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