Sunday, January 16, 2011


penat hari nih, pegi mid valley with yuna and we were walking lika a gay couple wondering around tried to find things to buy. well, its a great day, im not saying its bad. its his birthday and im free so we went out. then movie, yeah i want to talk about it. i couldnt believe we actually watched the move khurafat. its been years x tgk movie malaysia kt wayang. haha. terok kan. its not like im not supporting our local movie but sorry i have to say, its sucks. i dont know maybe it because our bad movie choice but come on. it supposed to be a scary movie but i think i just laugh on the cinema. okay, well whatever.

so i bought this 2 cute tees from FOS. gah, nampk sgt x de duet.haha but its okay to me. 2 for rm 32. sape x nak? masuk topshop ye ye je 50% off but the real price rm 400++ haha. and i think my tee from FOS lgi ok. kot. idk. maybe someday ill get a sugar mommy or daddy and they can throw their money on my educations, to all the stuff that i want. haha. gile. but hey, anything can happen right? maybe one day ill just wake up in the morning and got to know that i inherit some billionaire's fortune because i am a very, very good boy? maybe not. haha banyak tengok cite umputeh mcmni la jdi nye :) yeah manusia mmg mcm tuh bende yg kat depan mate pegi buang dlm tong sampah, bende yg x dapt tuh sibok nak dikerjekan. im tired. hmm bye.

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