Monday, January 17, 2011


kenapa perlu kerja? sebab kite nak duet. kenapa nak duet? sebab nak beli bende yg dah lame kite mengidam tpi x de duet nak beli tpi ble dah beli regret mcm nak gile sebab duet abis mcm tuh jer. haha. maybe not. i want a job right now. seems like everybody i know is working their ass off to earn money and ade jugak yg berhenti sebab x tahan. i dont even have opportunity to work and some of them dah berhanti pon. yeah mmg x de keje yg senang but i really really want the experience since i got so much free time to waste before i continue study or whatever. the first job interview i had was with MPH jj s2. god i was soo confident ill get the job and i love to work there cause i love to read. i love books. but i didnt get the job. i dont know why but i never question about it. then i try to apply job at hotels. but it didnt work out. i dont even fill up the form yet. its because of some intolerable reason i just cant work there. so here i am trying to find some job at terminal 1. the most nonfunctional mall at seremban. and i had this interview at watson, and they said its full but at watson's JJ s2 still got vacant. i dont know guys. i really need to think it through.

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