Thursday, December 31, 2009

hi twenty-ten :)

okay in a few hours it will be twenty-ten. 2009 is the most 'everything' year for me. ive been through a lot. yeah. and as much as it so meaningful to me but i honestly want it to end faster. because i just cant wait to open a new chapter in my life. well yeah most of the time in year of 2009 was a boring but it gives me a lot. i learned a lot about myself, i learned a lot about others, i learned about life too.

and i started the year with quite emotional time for me and my family cause the death of my first brother. i saw it goes infront of my eyes. my family devastated, my mom crying, my friends pay their condolences. yeah. in that moment i know how important family and friends is in my life. then its all about new things. new school, new environment, new bed(haha), new friends, new perspective in life. im growing a gazillion time yknow. haha.

well, i have a lot of fun too. this year i learned who are my real friends. and i wish i can have a lot more than i already got this year, its just not enough. no.

okay im going to stop talking about past. so now, here i am sitting infront of computer and having big apple's doughnut in my hand, welcoming 2010 with open arm and open heart with open eyes. yeah, 2010, show me what u got to give me, i am all ready. :D

Leia Mais

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new year

byebye 2009:) i wish time wont moving that fast!

How old did you become this year?

Did you host any parties this year?
ha no?

Which was your favorite month?

Which was your worst month?

Have you made a new best friend?
oh yess:)

Have you fallen in love?
idk about that feeling

Have you done something you regret?
of cause. i wish i was more focus in add math class:)

Did you not do something you wished you did?
yeah. a lot of things didnt happen the way i want it.

Did you wish for something that came true?

Did a best friend help you out?

Did you get in a lot of trouble?
not that a lot. just lil fun and lil trouble:)

Did a friend hurt you?
haha yes.

Were you in a car accident?

Did a close relative die?
yes. my brother.

Did you change schools?
hell yes. sains seremban

Did you sleep in the same bed as the opposite sex?
idk not sure..haha

Did you get so drunk that you passed out?

Did you wanna say something to someone, but did not because you were too scared?
not scared but just dont wanna make it such a huge deal

Did you cry for no reason?
we cry for reason?

Did you dye your hair?

Did you break any rules?

If you could replay last year again, would you?
ha no.

Overall was last year a good year or a bad year?
(this year) change me a lot. im much growing up.

Is the New Year...

Going to be better than last year?
not sure. SPM!

How old are you going to be when its your birthday?
17 baby:)

Are you going to change schools?

Are you going to be looking for a new relationship?
ha that i cant tell

Do you wanna do something different?

You are gonna become a year older, looking forward to it?
not really..i dont want to be old! haha

Where are you going to go on Spring Break?

Leia Mais

Monday, December 28, 2009

6 days to go

within a week, school starts. i will have to do everything as usual all over again. yeah its sucks. but holiday is pretty much boring to me, so its better to sit at school and study stuff. god it will be my senior year, final year of wearing uniform to school. haha. and i will have juniors come in. new ppl. yeah i hate meeting new ppl.

gosh what is the great things to do when u only have a week before going back to prison?anyone?

Leia Mais

Friday, December 25, 2009

I offer you my hand. my heart.

im currently readint this classing novel, Jane Eyre. I bought it 3 years ago and i dont certainly know why now is the time im very in to the novel. Even though ive already bought a new sookie stackhouse's novel, i just have this eagerness to finished Jane Eyre first. yes reader, i happen to read romantic novel. but who's cares? i know what i like. I read the original classic version. with heavy words, heavy description on smthing. yeah, but i kinda love the way Charlotte wrote it and describes the things on the novel. Im on chapter 26, the morning of Jane's and Mr Rochester wedding.

'I ask you to pass through life at my side- to be my second self, and earthy companion.'
- Edward Rochester.

I just search in youtube if they happen to have Jane Eyre video and i came out with this proposal scene. Its a drama tv i guess.

Leia Mais

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

movie junkie

so as u know im schooling at boarding school. so definitely theres no tv or movie for me. im a movie junkie so i planned out to watch all this movie im dying to watch this holiday- by downloading them of cause. so heres some movie that i watched this whole holiday.

  1. Jennifer's body
  2. Saw V
  3. Trick r Treat
  4. New Moon- of cause at theater.
  5. Zombieland
  6. The Time Traveler's Wife
  7. Dance Flick
  8. The Hangover
  9. Night at the Museum 2
  10. The Orphan
  11. Beverly Hill's Chihuahua
  12. The Blind Side
  13. Julie and Julia
  14. 500 days of summer
  15. Inglorious Bastards
i also watch whole season 2 of True Blood. yes.

and theres more movies i want to watch. really. in two weeks before the holidays end. movies like Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, Brothers and many more.

Leia Mais

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


im asking my friend if he already done his homework. well he said only for english and bm. shit. im just done my sej, bio, and english. which is sucks. hell. i really need to start now. cause school will starts soon.

Leia Mais

4 in the morning

i cant sleep last night. i was lying in my bed in the dark, its 4.30 am. i just stared at the dark ceiling and my mind just flown away by millions of thought. i was thinking about the future, about what is it for me to do next. how many responsibility i have to carry. and i thinking about past too. and i kept thinking about the funny parts of my life at school. i always share my story about my school life with my sister and we laugh. i remember i told her about my silliest embarrassment of all when i do announcement where the whole school hear it and i laugh in the middle of the announcement and get scolded by warden? haha. i laugh alone in the dark last night when i was thinking about that event.

srsly, i dont know what im trying to tell u reader, but it was in my thoughts:)

Leia Mais

Monday, December 21, 2009

i <3 monday

okay here's the thing. i vowed myself lastnight that i want to start freash today. like wake up early in the morning, do my bed, clean up my ancient room. but no. instead of wake up early like im fucking planned, i woke up at 2 .30 pm. fuck. its just because of the most silliest mistake in the whole wide world. i set the alarm on 10.00 pm. PM! lol i thought i set it on A.M. so its pretty sucks for me to get up and jump out my bed and go straight to get a fucking evening shower. its not a great day to start fresh. hah. went i have lunch, i eat this meat soup(?)(malay-style soup) and yeah eventually and amazingly i get my ass to clean up my room. okay lets skip the other thing.

that night i eat thing soup again. my mom rarely cut the meat into this tiny and thin pieces (usually she chop it in big and f*****g thick pieces until u have to bite it with ur teeth to eat in small pieces- idk if u understand,,) and i sat and eat those thing in front of tv (our family dont have this stricted law where we can eat our meal, its late for dinner anyway) with rice, and i asked my mom did she cooked this or buy. she said of cause she cooked it. yet again its different. then i realized how my family sometimes cook the other part of idk cow? then i said " this is not meat isnt it? its the other part that i usually hate to eat?" my mom dgn slamber nye said "yes, haha thank god no body tell you what is it because u wont eat it if u know what that was" gosh in my head i thought of what the hell it might be, cow's lungs? intestine? tongue? hell. my mom just said " u better finished it. anugerah tuhan"

yes, my family do cook and eat the weird food. traditional food. and i know many people dont eat what they cook. but its my family. and that what they is.

Leia Mais

Friday, December 18, 2009

running through my head

i really dont know why im using internet for hours and hours. yes im using myspace but its kinda boring for me nowdays. i dont know why im posting bogs- which no one ever care to read. i guess i need to find something else to do. new thing. but the thing is i dont have enough guts to do it. what i post in my blog is not totally sincere from my heart. no. i just cant let myself write and post things that matter to me for ppl to read. i try to write diary or write everything on my head and heart on a book but it didnt work. i still wrote things that i dont really want to write about. i guess im scared to write it and to read it again. well actually no one knows what actually running through my head. no one. not even my best friends. i just simply cant tell them everything i felt. i keep everything inside me. and its hurt. gah wth im writing? readers, sometimes i do get emotional. this is another side of me.

Leia Mais

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lady Gaga on elle mags

i love it. haha. walkwalk fashion crazy.

Leia Mais

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


i love her new album. speechless is one of my fav.

I can’t believe what you said to me
Last night when we were alone
You threw your hands up
Baby you gave up, you gave up

I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your James Dean glossy eyes
In your tight jeans with your long hair
And your cigarette stained lies

Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

And I'll never love again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless.

I can’t believe how you slurred at me
With your half wired broken jaw
You popped my heart seams
On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams

I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your Johnnie Walker eyes
He’s gonna get you and after he’s through
There’s gonna be no love left to rye

And I know that it’s complicated
But I’m a loser in love, so baby
Raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts
Of all my wrecked up friends

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless so speechless

I’ll never love again,
Oh friend you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless



And after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to
Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?

And after all the boys and the girls that we’ve been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?
If I promised, boy, to you

That I’ll never talk again
And I’ll never love again

I’ll never write a song
Won’t even sing along
I’ll never love again

So speechless, hey hey.
You left me speechless, so speechless aye aye
You ever talk again, oh boy why you so speechless?
You left me speechless, so speechless

Some men may follow me
But you choose “death and company”
Why you so speechless? Oh, oh

Leia Mais

Saturday, December 5, 2009

lagy gaga, paramore and katy perry is my priority now. haha

Leia Mais