Monday, August 31, 2009

vma 2009:)

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 30, 2009


heh i dont feel like want to celebrate but im proud to be malaysian:)

well holiday is almost over.shit. i havent finish all my homework and i dont care anymore. and tomorrow 6 pm sharp i got to be at school. meeting my dorm mates, seniors('yay!'), my friends, classmates and lastly teachers who are excited to see if we've done our hw.haha.

and starts from tomorrow i will buke puase with all the people at school. yeah. sedih sial. and i dont know about my sahur. probably i have to wake up early just to eat sahur in my 'delightful' DM.hah.all this things that im going to get through going to be the most memorable experience and im going to tell this to people in i dont know 10 years? maybe. but i just have to keep going and be contented to what i have.

Leia Mais

Saturday, August 29, 2009


hey its saturday and i just back home from melaka. we visiting my sister in law(?) at lendu i guess. and man im fucking tire and pretty sleepy. i slept at 4 am last night (or morning). and sahur at 5. great. but im taking nice nap on car just now.

its weird when i notice that most of my friends already have girlfriend. i dont know what to say. but my heart just not to excited to find someone. when i saw a girl i just smile and ooookay move on. i just dont have this attention to have anyone in my life. im happy with what i already have now, loving family and cool friends. but i know sooner or later i will realize that i need someone to share everything. and its not now. not now for me. because im scared when i see relationship actually not always beautiful.

fuck off lah:) i dont care...yet.

Leia Mais

foxy megan:)

new movie:) megan as a evil? hell yes!!
and she will be new cat woman in new batman movie:)
hows that?

Leia Mais


hah. miss dakota fanning as vamp jane. i thought jane look like a child or something. this looks like a secretary:)

Leia Mais

i want to fly but i couldnt find wings

ah, i dont know why i feel so tired today. just want to sleep all day but i couldnt cause i know i cant sleep at night. and yesterday i met all my friends and its 10 of us. its crazy, of cause. we watching UP and we laugh at the movie bcause i dont know mayb because its for kids. we all berbuka at mcD and its all fine and im very very happy. but today i felt like im missing my school. and i dont know why. it seems i missed my friends there i guess but its silly. everyone in my school are excited to go home and forget about school whatsoever while im missing school.

and i dont feel im functioning today. i just lay down in my room doing nothing.

hah i need life

Leia Mais

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


i really really need something to do to make myself function. its like everything around me moves slowly and i feel really lonely. i just texting and calling my friends but we all going to meet this thursday. hah its ramadhan so theres nothing much to do. i miss the moment when i eat maggie with my friends. we cooked it in large bowl and cooked 6 packet and eat in one bowl.haha its maybe disgusting to some ppl but hey, its fun.we just have to eat it in the right place so we dont get caught by warden.haha. maggie is kinda illigele in my school. and i dont know why. i dont know what the school want from us. but i cant wait until i end of ramadhan so we can eat maggie at 2 in the morning again:)

True Blood Pictures, Images and Photos
love it.haha.but on last post i said its sookie and sam but i was wrong.its eric another vamp.

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 23, 2009


hmm its pretty boring today. i woke up at 1 pm haha. balas dendam sbb hri2 bgn awl kt asrama like fuck. and im doing nothing today im sitting in front of tv and nothing on tv had my attention im just staring at the tv but not watch it. i tried to listen to mp3 and tried to read books but still, its all empty.nothing. sometimes i think its better for me just follow my friends who live far away from here like terengganu or kelantan or even perlis. they are much more excited to go home than i do. they missed their family and friends. one of my friends living in terengganu has house beside the beach.haha fuck i want to go there.

im looking forward to meet my friends. we plan to buka puasa together. JJ i think.

i dont know if you can read it but its fucking funny.look at wat this lady post on her fb and she is engaged. i cant stop laughing.

Leia Mais

fuck im addicted

to the show. true blood.haha damn it i wish i can watch it at school. 'cikgu bleh sye bwak tv ngan astro blik dorm leh x?' haha hell no.

sabine:  (via rachelanastasia:fuckyeahericnorthman:mollychambers) hottest scene of the show ever  mah, i have to see the show, NOW!

i have to see the show.omg. sookie with sam? damn it.

Leia Mais

Friday, August 21, 2009

puase la weyh

holiday's back:)

its great to back home within a week..and tomorrow is ramadhan. get up at 5 am and eat a LOT of food. haha. so i have one week holiday. but tonnes of homework. my teachers just simply cant get out of my life for a while they'll stick with you until spm.haha

and today i had jalinan minda at school. basicly its like take out report card. and my dad and i met my add math teacher. haha what an experience, well i failed my add math, again. so he said that i need more practise and try to understand the whole concept.shit. i have no time for practice excuse me. we have no time for other things than finishing our homework. maybe i'll use this holiday to do my addmath practise.

oh yeah. selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan.:D

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 16, 2009

my volunteer work at zoo negara:)

well im not remember when the date is.but my class's sivik program was volunteers work at zoo was my first time been there so im a lil bit jakun and nak tgk sme binatang.haha.and the animals are dear bored.well at least we have fun. heres some pics:)

im too lazy to do the tags:) sorry.but yeah we are skema but energetic.

Leia Mais

Friday, August 14, 2009

my daily life

at school. hah. i have this idea to post my routine at asrama. and i wanted people to know how fucking tired it is to live in such life like this.

monday- friday

5.45am- okay usually im the first person who wake up in my dorm. im the one who wakes everybody up like heheh. and straight away go to bathroom and subuh.then breakfast.the food, sometimes u cant even put it on your mouth.too hot.but im being greatful to whatever is given to me.

7.00am- everybody assemble and assembly session starts.

7.45am- school session starts:) and i like all my teachers. bersmngat gle lah..i respect them like my parents. they're great.they keep pushing us to the top. thats what i like.

10.25am- recess.haha. i love ikan keli at canteen. i wish i could eat it everyday:) school session starts back.

2.15pm- p&p end. we all rushing to dewan makan for lunch. i have to stress the word 'rush'.haha.
after zohor,pegi class blek.

3.00pm- usually they have one hour with panitia. and this is the class where everyone is fucking tired.if theres teacher coming in, guess what i do.sleep.haha.

4.30pm- my friends and i will go to dm and have evening supper. and asar.

5.00pm- this is riadah time. this is the time where everybody play games, sports and everything. but im not a sport sweating myself out once a week. on i usually go to class and read news paper, chatting with friends or sometimes i sleep on this period:).haha

6.15pm- mandi.haisshh.we love to play around the toilet and throw each other face with water(?).haha

6.40pm- dinner. and we will go for maghrib at surau.

8.30pm- prep. they give us one hour to study on specific subject. its like monday is add math night, tuesday is chemistry night.yeah.we will start doing our homework at 9.30.

10.30pm- dm.for night supper.and isyak.

11.00pm- i rarely went to my dorm after 11 cause usually ill be at my class. my class is like my home.ill be there most of the time. and completing my hw(cause they only give us one hour to finish our hw on prep even though the hw is fucking piling like shit). if im not at class i'll kawad (ahem) for kadet polis. yeah probably this is my night.haha

12.30pm- ill be at dorm, finally.and sleep usually at 1.

and thats how my routine at school.

and saturday usually we have bengkel at 8.30,after dorm inspection.klu xde bengkel, we prep until 12.and saturday night is our free time.sometimes we watch tv, movie, eating magie.haha

sunday i'll wake up at 10am and do anything until 6.usually parents comes on sunday if there's no outing.and we have prep at night.

yeah.this is my bored life.but if i think on the bright side, if im not at boarding school, i probably will spending most of my time sleeping or playing computer.
so i thank to Allah everyday for this great opportunity in life.

Leia Mais

old memories

hey im home now. i got pulang bermlm cause tomorrow i have anugerah cemerlang. great. bleh jmpe my old classmate and teachers:) . i miss them so fucking much? andand im so anxious so entering my school again. i miss it soo pretty sure old memories will hit me.haha. and im still wondering who will be at the ceremony cause most of my friends who get 8a's all schooling at, gonjeng.i dont know if they will come or not.but i really really wish they will bw there cause i want this to happen whit them around me. its sort of completing the ceremony.perfect.ahhh i dont know what im talking about but im sure tomorrow im going to meet people that ive miss so much.

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 9, 2009

its already august?

like watafuk?haha i feel like i just entered saser yesterday and tring to fit myself in this school.seriously. and now im happier here cause dah ade rmi kwn. and here i learn to know what kind of people exist in this world. i learn about myself too. ape jenis manusia aku nih. and everything.

weellll i'll be back home in 2 weeks now and hell yeah im anxious about it.

Leia Mais