Friday, June 1, 2012

Holes inside.

we try to make that love thingy. total failure!

HI? Anyone care anymore? No? okay.

hmmm my last post was like in january, now its freaking June. okay. Its like half of the year. Lots, lots of things happened, lots of story to tell. Thanks to Cambridge A-level, i almost forgot i have a blog to take care of. Its June. Im still in the middle of my AS exam. Wow don't ask about the questions, it seems like educations nowadays keep putting more and more locks on the door to get through to our dreams. okay whatever.

But i AM grateful to have 9 awesome friends/college mates that make my life little less boring. We did what most of the kids at KTT don't do, especially when one of us bring a car and we will go wild to get the hell out of the college gate and be young, feel young. I love you guys.

Speaking of love, wow that was long time ago huh. I feel free for awhile, like there's an empty hole in my heart that i can't afford to feel weird to not have that 'feelings'. but yeah not long after that it came back for different person. But I didn't let myself be that stupid person i was before I be more careful with feelings and stuff. And yeah I'm happy and better than ever.

That's all from me for now. Wait another 6 months for the next post y'all!

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