Sunday, May 8, 2011


have you watch Glee? yeah the show that have these bunch of high school kids, singing and dancing cool songs and having problems in life and we dont really seen them study or doing homework even the whole show is in school? yeah. cite tuh.

i never give much attention to the show, and its never been my fav show before, i just love some of the song they did, but after watching glee-athon, im kinda fell in love? i dont know. but they have this one episode called, "Born This Way" the whole episode was about self-acceptance. it made me thinking for a while, "did i ever accept the way i am right now?" yes, its a silly to think of it, cause we are Malaysian, hey, we are all fucking fake all the time, like i never seen anyone that really show who they really are unless they are with their best friends, i guess. cause we do fucking lie infront of our parents, right?

so do i accept the way i was born? pretty much yes, and it is such a sensitive issue to talk about but right now i just dont really care about what people going to think of me, like, seriously.

in school,

"shafiq, cube ko ubah perangai jadi lelaki sejati sikit"

"shafiq, cube jalan betul2 sikit"

"shafiq, cube makan banyak sikit, ni keding macam lidi"

well fuck them, since primary school, so dah lali and i never even give a damn. bukan benci or totally hate them, maybe they are being concern but, really dude? i keep telling myself that i am happy the way i was born, the way i am. i am living in this world not to make people happy, i am living to make myself happy as long i don't do drugs or whatsoever.

itu saja kot. malas nak cakap panjang2. HOI. pointless lah blog kali nih. haha
kalau tanya who's my fav? it has to be Brittany. haha

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