Saturday, February 21, 2009


haha yeah wallup.thats my class teacher's fav word.she says wallup like 1231234124 times when on my class.well thank god all my teachers are great.
today i woke up at 12..haha wtf? i know.i woke at 5.30 when im on boarding thing i love about boarding school is they make me rushing all day.i keep myself busy and i wont day-dreaming like used to at home.yeah.its all about reality.
andand today i went out with my parents.we went shop for my class teacher told me to buy class's idk what the word desk-cover?haha shit.and i peek the most hidiuos patern.haha.lain kali jgn sruh aq.well no actually everything they have is ugly.hmm idk why i type this on.
well probably tomorrow i wont be online cause i got a lot of hw i didnt finished jealous at public school kids.well thats all from me i guess.
see ya.

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