Monday, February 2, 2009


hey..hmm school today was tired as hell..idk maybe because we had PJK on the first period.well we played soccer of cause.i had a lot of fun and laugh in the middle of the school's field this morning.yeah.andand i think this week going to be busy wekk for me cause i have to prepare everything for boarding school.damn less in 8 days i going to miss everyone.i hope the jurney wint give me a pain in the ass.haha.well,half of students in my class going to their own new school this 10 feb.bepecah-pecah.i hate that though.ouh yeah today our class wecomed new girl from germany.well she seems shy and everything but i dont give my attention on her cause i will be leaving.haih.

shafiq says; well today is monday,and i just watched monday night laugh on star world.'samantha who?'.i love the show.its like the novel i once read 'remember me?'.well there will be no tv after this.ha-ha.well yes i love to complaining about everything.ppl complain.full stop.

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