Friday, February 20, 2009

new life

hey ppl:) haha damn here, finally. and i got like 2 nights to stay home and will be back to that friggin school this sunday.well anyway, i just ganna tell you about my life now.
yes, ppl might wondering if i love boarding school or not.well, i have no idea. theres the things that i like and things that i dont like.i love the facts that my two years (hopefully) will be the busiest day in my life.i've already tired with 3 years of boring life.doing nothing.and now,im super busy with well, everything i guess.boading school life is so much different than ive ever expected.and thank god my senior's batch are great.they're too busy to bother us anyway.well the things that im scared right now is my studies.i am extreamly dope on maths.hahha.andand teachers are great.everybody's great.well not everyone.
i just hope i'll have fun and survive myself in this school.
sorry for my badbad actually tired right now.
love, mwa.