Monday, September 28, 2009

old times:)

okay exam just 2 weeks to go and if u check my brain, ive got nothing on it. completely zero. now i realize how much time i wasted. but its seem dont matter to me. hell exam hows cares? and this is the last holiday we got until the end of year's holiday. and i'll be back tomorrow. god i dont want to face examination. please. i cannot face the facts that my ranking maybe turned out to be sucks.

but just forget about it for a moment. my friends and i went to my teacher's house today. my sc teacher. she teach us for 3 years back in my old school. and yeah it was great to see her. we talk about whats going on with our life now, future and past. i love went we went back to our memories and laugh about how silly we are. i miss the moment with my ex-classmates. just catching up the old times. i wish i could turn back the time so i can cherish it more than anything. and we plan to go to our old school tomorrow as tomorrow actually a school day. i want to meet my teachers and peeps there.

Leia Mais

Saturday, September 26, 2009


its great to sit infront of computer and eat slices bread with cheese on it at 2 am:)

yeah i love cheese and even i eat it until want to throw out, im still skinny. yeah life!

Leia Mais

Thursday, September 24, 2009

crap im exhausted

so i went out today with friends. i missed them like hell. we went to kareoke and its 16 of us and im pretty sure all the songs we sang together sounds like shit cause everyone singing on their own tone and stuff and we ruin the songs so bad. and i got home at 10. my parents not saying anything nowdays about im got home at night. probably because im boarding schooling and not around the house so much and rarely get out and have a chance to meet my friends.

and i got 2 invites for open house tomorrow. and i will see my friends again and its great cause idk if i have another holiday after this.i will be at school until the end of the semester. its sucks.

im tired and i dont know what im typing now. but im sure its unimportant details. yeah.

Leia Mais

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


i just sign in my twitter because its been weeks since the last time i sign in. i started to search ellen degeneres twitter and i started to follow all these celebrity like britney, katy perry, russel brand, demi moore, taylor swift and i found hayley william's.haha yeah. and when i think about it i just said to my myself 'why i follow them anyway?'

anyway,, got twitter?
follow me at

Leia Mais

Sunday, September 20, 2009

raye la weyh:)

its the first day of raye while everyone busy raya-ing with family and friends. getting hell lot of money from relatives but here i am, online and blogging. yeah, im home on the first day of raye. its kind of my family-new-tradition. sort of i guess. and all my siblings are nieces.ha they just the cutest things in the world with their tiny little baju kurung.

i have this weird dreams last few weeks. i dream about hari raye. i remember i cried on my mom's arms and ask her forgiveness and everything. and usually that not happen on our family when we salam and giving duit raye on raye day. no. we laugh. we just said 'slamat hari raye, maaf zahir batin, halal makn minum' and thats it. we got our duit rye.

but today, this morning, its different. my mom was crying, my dad was crying, everybdy was. and surprisingly i was, too. and smhow i just ask forgiveness from my family deepest from my heart that i cant bear to cry.

we all cried because this raya is so different. we felt it just not any other raya we used to have. it because something is missing. something. and i know its because the absence of my brother.

Leia Mais