Thursday, July 23, 2009

on9 at school:)

hey hahaha omg this is my first time online-ing at school- SASER. actually this is the first time im entering this school's computer lab. it soppuse to be pjk right now but my teacher bring us myspace even only for idk less then 30 minutes?

but i really,really miss my home now.gosh i'll be back home 5 weeks from now.damn it.but outing next week.i probably wont back home.

gosh i really,really dont know wht to write now. ok byebye ppl:)

Leia Mais

Monday, July 20, 2009


bye ppl i'll be back probably on this august. wish me the best for august's test:) love ya

Leia Mais

beautiful nightmare

okay i tried to think what the hell ive done over this short break- nothing. damn it. i got freaking a lot of homework piling like shit but im not done any of it. i bet my friends from terengganu, kelantan or even perak already done their jobs. bloody hell. i dont even get out from this house. i dont even went to cinema watching Harry P. damn it. well i guess ill try to wake up early tomorrow and do my hw. although i know, i know deep inside of my heart i wont wake up early tomorrow. hah. great.

well tomorrow night ill start sleeping on my dorm's bed-again. school sessions will start as usual.


"at least im wearing underwear"- such a great word to say.haha.but still, she can wear a better underwear:)
why they invented dress like that anyway?

Leia Mais

Saturday, July 18, 2009

i eat:

2 cups of chocolate ice cream
2 bars of cadbury chocolate
2 pieces of bread with susu pekat+ milo on it
1 pack of magee
1 nasi lemak
4 fried chicken (lunch + dinner)
1 mee goreng udang
1 pack of keropok ikan:)

but still, im not gaining any weight.
sometimes i think im sick
i have something not right about my body that it dont want to gain weight.
well im not saying i hate the way my body is right now:)

Leia Mais

its too much,it wont fit.

okay i just got back from puchong. and i dont know im still not tired at all.

hmm ppl, at my school keep asking me what i want to be when i grow up. i was like, i donno ?-.-' i have no dream at all. one day want to be a surgent, and next day lawyer, then bio chemist, sometime i even think to become an environment saver.haha. its silly. maybe thats why i dont do well in study. cause i don have any dream. when i ask myself, 'why in the hell im study?' i dont know. simply dont know. yesterday my dad ask me what course do i want to take in my furture studies. medical or enginering? i said i dont know daddy. then my father started to leture that i should know what i want to be next 10 years. i donno! fuck. forget about that.

well i dont think im going anywhere this holiday. ill just sit and doin nothing i guess. holidays sucks, school sucks, life even sucker.haha


everyone in my school (boys school) is freaking busy talking about megan fox. haha yeah she's hot. i agree. but i still doubt her if she is straight:) whatever it is megan fox is always foxy haha

Leia Mais

Friday, July 17, 2009


okay im on holiday now:) for 4 days- i dont think its going to feel like 4 days. haih. i miss everything. i wanna do everything now. cause i got monthly test next month and i know im going to be freaking busy. and paramore have a new song! haha omg. im not listen the full song yet but i know its going to be great song. and and ppl i got to become my school's PRS. hhaha i know wtf? but i kinda like it. to me, i rather become prs than prefect. prs dont involved teachers and they dont have to do jobs for teacher. it just involved counselor and its great cause its not going to have a lot of work. great.

Leia Mais

Sunday, July 5, 2009

im still in a piece:)

okay i have a lot to say actually. i just got home from our 'perkemahan perdana' which included all form 4. and we went to Sg Gabai i think?haha anyway this camp teach me a lot of new things and change my perspective of this country, our country Malaysia. before this camp i just dont give a shit on any politics issues in Malaysia but this camp make me realise that its important for me, for us, even we are only a student to know whats actually going on out there.

im very thankful to have opportunity to join this camp. and even we are in the middle of kampung, in the middle of village, haha let me tell ya the food is fucking delicious and i dont feel like im in any camp that tortured kids to do something, but it feels like a holiday:)

Leia Mais