Sunday, April 26, 2009

so here we go again

okay today i have to go back to reality- school. shit. im going at 5 pm i guess.but i have to get all my stuff ready and have run to stores to buy some foods and need. ill be back on mid-year holiday.which is on may.haha great. so good bye blogspot, goodbye myspace, goodbye life. i'll be missing u guys and damn katy perry's new music vid will be release on 28th may. fuck its so near and i think im going to watch it next week cause there's outing day next week. haih. i have to struggle this two years and get scholarship and study wherever i want.hahaha.and its not going to get any easier.

well, bye-bye ppl.(although no alot of ppl reading my blog)

Leia Mais

Saturday, April 25, 2009

rocket in my mind,

well i didnt post anything last night. i got no mood actually. and television seems not my number one priority anymore. like even if i get to catch heroes, ugly betty(or any showw like that) i cannot watch the next it such a waste of time. i rather listen to my mp3 cause i dont feel i given much time to listen to my songs at school. speaking of music, one singer that i really, really love to listen to is YUNA. damn. her songs are beautiful and soulful. i just sing her song in class and it stuck in my head until now. when teacher scolded at our class, a someone talking crap to me, or anything makes me feel boring, her song actually playing in my head.haha.its great. after midnight are one of the song that playing in my head again and again.

and right now my homework is, oh my god, keep piling like sheeeet.i hate hw seriously. but when i see kids in my class working hard on making afford on their study, i simply followed a lil jealous of smart kids. how the hell they get too smart?i mean gifted people.who are lazy, annoying kids but can be freaking excellent on btw my ranking for march monthly test, bahaha 185 ppl.185! over 215 at lowest level.haha i dont feel upset or anything, because i know teachers there going to keep push my ass until i get to the top. we'll see:) and mid year exam is coming up pretty soon. hah! add math here i come.i cant wait to see my school's HEM face when he mark my so-going-to-be-failed paper cause he's teaching add math. great.

Leia Mais

Friday, April 24, 2009

this is mine

okayy its been a while.everything seems to move so fast.i have 2 days holiday and i dont think its me, everything in my life is all about school.nothing i will spend this whole 2 and half days on myself. im excited to go back home cause my two little niece are waiting for me and ohmigod, they are much bigger and growing faster than i expect. in school, we only have saturday night until sunday night for free time. and most of us use all our free time with sleeping. hah. its freaking tired living in boarding school.

there are several activities i took part in school. one of them is kawad. haha. i cant believe i can actually being part of jebat's kawad team. we practice like hell but when the time they announced that we are the winner its just feel some kind of satisfied on us. i dont know. saser keep us the student busy. sometimes i feel like im already studying in university or smthing.

and right now i feel so much better living in asrama i feel a little bit sence of what my purpose doing there and everythng. im glad that the teachers there will work as hard as they could to make sure their students can score on spm. i kind of need that help.i actually kind of relieved when i know i can make it to spm and get scholarship!!

haha okay im talking crap, again.
will posting more blog tonight or tomorrow:)

Leia Mais

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i wish i could be that simple

huh its been two long feels like forever.damn.well lets see whats going on in my life this past two weeks.first i want to talk about my exam.heahahaha.well i failed my add math paper.i never got that kind of marks in my life.and other subjs was fine:).
and then earth hour.great my school support the programme.we just sat at surau and perform our isyak in dark.its great.i feel like nobody else around me.
theres a lot of movie coming up in cinema.urgh i cant watch them, fast and furious, confession of shoppaholic, many more..haih.that my life so far.nothing interesting.ill be back to school at 5:30 i guess.haish.cant complaint.i just gonna get through this whole two years and have my own life.
well i dont wanna write no more cause i'll be talking crap.well this is crap.

Leia Mais