Sunday, October 25, 2009


weyhhh esk da blik asrama blik. benci benci benci. cuak nak dpat results exam arituh. benci. mlas nak blaja chapter form 5. benci. mlas nak bgn awl lgi. benci. mlas nak pegi prep. benci. mlas nak bsuh baju. benci. ranking aq jgn ckp lah..sure jtuh gle babi nye. benciiiiiii. aq nak tdo sepanjang hri. tpi x bleh. lonjakan saujana pe ntah. hhaarrrggghhh! well i dont care anymore. lpas ni ttp telinge dgr cikgu beletiangk psal markah exam.haha.
im going insane. damn it.

Leia Mais


theres nothing more delicious than sitting alone on the balcony, evening air, and eating kit-kat. haha. i wish i can do it at my school. i sat there alone watching cars and motorcycles passing by. and watching kids playing and laughing and acting silly. i wish i was one of them. dont care about anything but having fun. everyday the things that running through their heads is whats the new fun and exciting things to play.

i remember i childhood moment where i got my friends and we went cycling to this big giant tree. we climb the tree and make our own swing on it. i wish the tree is still standing. i want to go there. again.

Leia Mais

Saturday, October 24, 2009

what i want

sometimes ppl ask me about my dream car. i always said my dream car is like this tiny old classic car. i dont want this sporty new car but i want old one. and when i think back on the future, me sitting in my car. i always picturing myself having the most moderate life. yes, i dont need money to be happy. i just have to do what i love most in life to be happy. i want to open a candy shop and sells chocolates and candies and pies. i want to have a small comfort house with a small kitchen. hah what a life.

Leia Mais

Friday, October 23, 2009


its been like what? a month since i last posted on my blog? haha da berabuk da blog nih. well in a month, theres a whole lot things going on with my life. hey im officially 16 now (clapping hands) haha. but im still just the same person 3 years back. so 16 doesnt mean anything to me. and my birthday, 6 Oct. 2009 probably the worst birthday on the history of my life. im pretty moody that day, my body feels uneasy, i was tired, and nobody knows its my birthday, and the most worst part is, i was away from my family and friends. gah. and my only present i got is from my dormmate, Ramadhan, he gave me this little black note book. thanks to him. but still i dont want any present for my bday i just want my family to be around. hah.. hepy freaking 16 shafiq. no cake for u this year. haha. saba je lah.

Leia Mais