Thursday, January 29, 2009


hi..CNY this year ive only got least i still got all my friends having fun i guess hanging out at mall,karaoke-ing, goofing off each sorry i cant join u guys..and we will make the laaastt farewell later.dont worry.and yeah i am a lil bit nervous about wanna going to board school to continue my studies.well i am freaking boring rite now.i just plan wanna sleep all day.i have no mood on typing in good my words today are a lil crappy.and im not started doing my hw yet.ive already forgot what the hell are the hw.i need help here.

Leia Mais

Monday, January 26, 2009


its been a few days since i last posted blog.yeah.something happen.i dont wanna talk about it here cause i dont thing this is the appropriate place to tell ppl wats happen.haih.but it keeps my family and i strong and close each other.

so i just open up portal kementerian pljrn webside.i want to check whats going on to my sbp i get tawaran to sm sains seremban.haaarrrgghh!! idk wat to decide.i dont want to miss my chance but at the same time dont want to regret of my dad absolutely wanna me to go there.haih.but thank god the school i close to my home.bloodybloody me here:)

Leia Mais

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

old habit

hmm my days passing by just like any other now i have tonnes of hw and i dont even care enough to finished it.hmm.usually i finished them at night.cause my freaking bad habit coming again.yeah,taking a loooong nap in the afternoon after went back from school.damn D: well,i will have a very,very bad mood after waking up from the nap.jkashdbgjashbvd.urgh!

Leia Mais

Monday, January 19, 2009


yeay! all my form 3 classmate and i just have a lil party just few hours ago.yeah we have freaking fun.the cake that girls bought was awesome.and we took A LOT of pics.we throwing flour on each my class is freaking messing right now.i dont know what going to happen to us tomorrow when teachers look at our class full of flour-dusting thing.thats just how my form 3 classmate works.we have fun.i just hope that we'll stay together as friends forever. i know.i know some of them will move to other school.maybe i will moving to other school.haih.everything just unfair.hmm,i absolutely tired rite now.sweet dreams tonight.

shafiq says: well i know i have horrible eng just shows how freaking low my grammar level is.but hey, i dont care. at least i try.

Leia Mais

Saturday, January 17, 2009

what a loooong day:)

today is school day.and we have this merentas desa thing, again.i cant believe im still took part on that stupid run.haha.well my freinds and i just walk and use some sort cart to get as soon as posible to school cause everyone like semangat gle lri.then we just went out from school before its we went to jj S2.well there interesting event happened when we were on bus to get to jj.interesting yet embarrassing to me.fuck i dont want to write it here cause its just stupid and humiliating.damn.then we get our ass of to karaoke.and like usual, we sang till we fuked our voice out.and the best song that we sang together was goyang inul.haha i know wtf?but we do dance just like what inul do on her video..haha.we just ppl who love to make each other laugh.that's all i guess.i just tired, still freaking embarrass for what happen, and miss to chatting with some internet ppl..haih idk why i add the missing things up.well its a great great day.

Leia Mais

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

true blood

hmm..okay i watched golden globe the other day.well not the whole show but still i watch kate winslet win..haha i love her.well im not surprise that she win anyway.but there a television show called "true blood" being nominated and once i hear they said that its about vampire i just searching it on youtube.well, i just watched the trailer and its great i guess.its not twilight vampire thingy but its more to blade vampire.haha.well i just hope this show will be on malaysia's hbo.haih.

shafiq says: physics subj really,really makes me fucking confused but once im doing the exsercise,hey its pretty easy..haha well we just on chapter one of cause its easy.wait until it getting deeper u'll feel like wanna drop school:)

Leia Mais

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

bloody hw.

hmm okay i already feels like school actually really,really started..heheh.yes today i got tonnes of homework.and now 7:15 pm,im still not even touch any book yet.i have thie very loooong afternoon nap.haha.maybe tonight i'll done all of them.maybe.forget about the tv,forget about innernet tonight.haih.thats all i guess.

shafiq says: i try to keep myself busy study and doing fucking hw.i'll try to keep away from pc or tv.but not my music.haha.

Leia Mais

Monday, January 12, 2009

run shafiq, run

hai, damnit im tired rite now.yeah i went to merentas desa just now.fuck.its been like wat 2 months i didnt get sweating like pig and exercise?gah.i really really need to work out on my idk, health?i don have stamina,i am weak.the funny part is before the running started i just "w/e maybe i can just jog from the starting point until end" hell no it doesnt happen at all..haha.i jogged like for 20 mins i already getting tired and my muscles starting to hurting me.shit.haha.i think it because i ate my lunch later that afternoon like hell a lot.smpi buncit lah perot aq mkn.haha.all my friends said "hey ktorg nak jln jer..rilex2..g kedain sme" damn it didnt happen too.haha.well forget about this whole shit.hell no im going to running again on any merentas desa thingy.fuck.i hate my body.haha.

shafiq says: im pretty tired rite now and i just want to have the great dreams tonight.yeah dreams.and if that not happen too i guess this whole day just fucking fail!

Leia Mais

Saturday, January 10, 2009

new class:)

haha ok.i just get into our new class.pure science class.yeah.its a lil too crowded like shit.but w/e it is i personally have fun talking with my friends and everything.the only thing was the freaking class was too small for us.i dont think i can even concentrate in that class. and the teachers that going to teach us.damn.idk wat to say just because of the small size class,the freaking teachers gonna teach us, and everyone in my class going to get the hell out from this school, i considered to move to another school.yeah.any school.i didnt apply mrsm though.haha.kgv it is.fuck im confuse.

Leia Mais

Thursday, January 8, 2009

pardon me:)

movie update!yeah u know how much i loooove movies and everything..and i dont know what to post really, so i just came up with this idea..haha..yeah this is the movies that probably the movie im dying to watch..i dont care if i missed it on cinema cause just wait next year it will be out on hbo/star movie..yeah.

underworld:Rise of the Lycans

well yeah its underworld. its noe sequel though. its prequel..and other thing is Kate Beckinsales will not be in this movie so im not convince enough that the movie will be blast.

confession of a shopaholic

yeah adapted movie from a novel..sophie kinsella.yeah.believe it or not i read her novel remember me? and it was awesome.shes a great author btw.and yeah this shopaholic novel do have 3871231231 sequel i guess..haha.i love the "magic card" line.

bride war

yeah comedy. im not sure if this movie will be a block buster movie but its an interesting story..i love anne hathaway.

and theres a lot more movie will came out and pretty much most of them are sequel. like night at the museum, pink panther, and x-men. yeah 2009 will be pretty mush great movie will coming up.

Leia Mais

Monday, January 5, 2009

first day at school..yeah.

first day.yeah.nothing really happen but it confusing enough it makes my head wanna explode:)..damn i still dont know what to decide about my subj for this year..i think im gonna take pure science.i might regret after this but yeah what the hell i didnt expect to get straight a's but i got it. so nothing is impossible. yeah just do it. i just gonna close my eyes when ppl say that bio its hard and everything..i just need to hell work hard as i could.yeah.and other things is bothering me is when ppl asking me "x pindah sek ke? kn dpt 8a?" urgggh get the hell out of my head.idk if i want to stay on that crappy school, i would.thats all.have a nice day.

Leia Mais

Sunday, January 4, 2009

over the rainbow:)

hmm today is the damn bored day ever my brother using this pc all day long..i just lie down in my room listening to songs..yeah. but still i just closed my eyes and listening to snow patrol- shut ur eyes..yeah feeling the lyrics and everything..and yeah yesterday my dad bought me my present for getting straight a's on pmr..and yeah new phone sony ericsson. its hard for me to made decision on what phone that i i picked c702..yeah pretty cool phone..thank you dad..even sometimes i just hate u but deep inside i still love u..cewah!..haha

Leia Mais

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I want to be kid again!

Yeah that rite..

Leia Mais