Saturday, November 5, 2011


Its almost 4 in the morning. Feel so alone. So lonely. But its okay. use to it. Nothing much really happen, except that i really miss my parents right now. I can feel the absence. They went for Haji this year, praying everything going to be okay there and save. Sometimes I can feel that I am an orphan. I can see clearly how life is without my parents on my side, on my sibling's sides. but its just for a while, hopefully.

But their absence makes our bond as brothers and sister stronger than ever. Alhamdulillah for that. cause many things happens and my sister said this once to me, "Kenapa aku rase bertimpa, musibah jadi kat aku?" but she always remind herself that everything that happened is the test from the Almighty. I agree. But i just cant wait to meet my parents, i really miss them.

and the final exam is keep haunting me. still, im a big lazy ass. Malas nak study. Haih. Hopefully my mom pray for me. to be a little more hardworking, and care. yes, care about whats going on.

hmmm what else, ouh yeah. That little conversation we had just make me realised it was nothing at all. all this time is such a waste and im happy i didnt opened up anything.

so nothing more lah kot. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. enjoy your holiday :)

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